Indian Gay sex story – The Palace on Wheels

The Palace on Wheels is one of the worldā€™s most famous and luxurious trains departing each Wednesday for a 7 day trip through the heart of India, with a side tour to the Taj Mahal. Since my wife does not like sleeping on trains she opted to travel elsewhere during my planned vacation aboard this magnificent train. I flew into Delhi the night before and had an early night to catch up on my sleep and jet lag. After a brief City tour of Delhi in the morning, I arrived at the station an hour before departure to get myself settled in the very large and comfortable sleeping salon. It was furnished for a maharaja and was adorned with rich teak and a multitude of carpets. Though I was traveling alone, there were twin beds in the room. They could have put another passenger in the room, but since they were not overbooked, no one was assigned the other bed. The train departed at 4pm sharp and dinner was served at 7:30 in the Maharani dining car. I ordered Indian food, though Continental and Chinese were available. My table mates were a couple from London and a single woman from Seattle. All good conversationalists and we enjoyed the meal. After dinner I ventured back to the lounge and bar car which was filled to capacity. I made my way to the bar through passengers who were two and three abreast in front of the bar. To my far right, at the end of the bar,was a young man who appeared to be Indian. We made eye contact, he nodded,raising his glass, and I made my way toward him through the crowd. ā€œOne has to work hard for a drink on this trainā€ I stated as I moved alongside him to get to the bar. ā€œOne doesnā€™t have to work at all if you order your drinks from your salon (stateroom)ā€. I asked him what then brings him to the bar car and he replied, he was just sizing up the passengers and seeing who he might know aboard. He was from Iran and worked in India for an American computer company in the customer service department. He was drop dead gorgeous. At least 6 ft with black hair, trimmed mustache, piercing dark eyes, light brown skin coloring, and dressed in a dark blue suit with a yellow tie.
He was taking a week off to see India. He called himself Raban and our conversation covered many topics and soon it was 11pm. Few were still in the bar car. We decided it was time to turn in , paid our bar tab, and began walking back toward the salon cars. He said he was in Car 8, I was in 11, so we walked back together. When we got to his room,he said, ā€œThe steward really will bring you a good drink here, care to join me?ā€ No further invitation was needed. His room was a duplicate of mine except the colors were different. He also did not have a room mate assigned as yet although he expected someone to be assigned there tomorrow at the next stop. I offered to have him move to my room leaving a room which could then be assigned to a couple traveling together. He agreed to talk to the conductor tomorrow. He told me he was engaged to be married the following December to a ā€œvirginā€ from Iran who his father had arranged for him. While he had met her, he had never spoken to her, except to acknowledge the introduction with a nod of the head. He had never seen her face, it was always covered. Since living in India for the past seven months, he had been developing severe miss-givings about the marriage. He also told me he had sex with four different girls in India including a Japanese tourist woman. He was on this train trip to sort his life out.We finished our drinks and I left to return to my stateroom, even though he seemed to want to talk some more. I kept hoping he would become my roommate the next day.What a pleasant surprise, even if he turned out to be as straight as he tried to be.
The train stopped each day in various Indian Cities and today my memory fades as to which was which and what we saw in each city. Many temples,museums, palaces, and very interesting sights. Raban and I met again over breakfast and we agreed to see the days planned sights together. When we returned to the train at about 3pm, the conductor informed us Raban had been moved to my stateroom at his request. The tour management appreciated having his extra room to fill. All his clothing and effects had already been moved and were in the extra closet and drawers. And so he was there. It was then a bit awkward for both of us as we prepared to shower and dress for dinner. I ordered afternoon tea from the steward as Raban went into the large bathroom. Soon I heard the shower running. He emerged from the shower wrapped in a large towel just as the steward was knocking at the door with the tea. His lean and muscular body,wet hair, and smile had both myself and the steward staring unabashedly at him. He was a sight to behold and he quickly broke the tension saying it was my turn to shower. After my shower I wondered if a wrapped towel around me was appropriate,and I decided to wear a pair of colored boxers. We took tea together and the train began to slowly move on to the next city on the tour. Sitting here opposite me, always smiling, I could not take my eyes off him. We were discussing Indian politics when he suddenly asked ā€œWould you like to go to bed?ā€ He told me in Iran he had slept with his older brother untilhe was 19 before his brother got married. He said he had never been with any other man.
I was flattered and said I said I would like that very much,however, I did not want to spoil a budding friendship. He said to me ā€œNo strings, just two men together, sharing each other.ā€ And so he stood up,dropped his towel, took my hand, and led me to one of the twin beds. He was already very hard, and he looked slightly bigger than my 6.5 inches.He lay back and invited me to join him. Kissing was not his preference, so we just held each other for a while, then I had to have that beautiful cock in my mouth. I savored it, sucked it, licked it, tasted it, and bobbed up and down on it. He leaked precum, he moaned softly, and then turned his body so he could do the same to me. He removed my boxers and we spent the next several minutes enjoying an act only two men can do with such gusto.We came, we swallowed, we rested. We talked, we held each other, we were two friends again. Soon his hardness returned before mine, and I repeated our act of supreme friendship upon him. Then we both showered again,dressed, and went to dinner. We knew we had begun a relationship, and we both knew we were going to have to return to our separate lives after the week was over. And so it was: touring day, loving night, for six more days and nights. There were awkward moments when we were both in the bathroom together in the morning. Shaving, hard ons, more showering, and always his infectious smile. And then on the third night another situation arose. The lady from Seattle! She kept asking me about my handsome ā€œIndianā€ friend. And that night, in the bar car, she made her move. First just a few words of smalltalk, then later an attempt to get into our discussion on Indian politics.It was Rabanā€™s turn to be flattered, as he was hit upon Miss Seattle. I could see he was interested.
I sensed he needed a woman to fulfill his needs that night, and probably every night. I was just a room mate,available when a woman was not. He looked at me, winked, and with his eyes, asked my permission to go with her. I nodded approval and they were off to her room. I was mournful, I was sorry for myself, I was lonely,even though I had expected to be alone for the whole train tour. After about 40 minutes and another drink, I retired to our stateroom. I heard the shower running and immediately thought they were in there together.Then I saw his note on the door, ā€œIf you get back in time, Join me, Please,Rabanā€ I really did not feel like being seconds, but I was compelled to go into the bathroom. And there he was in the shower, smiling, semi- hard and inviting me in. He thanked me for being understanding, and he assured me she was only a female sex object to him. And so I went into the shower with Rabin. He was wild with passion, even kissing, down on his knees,working my cock like no other has ever done. When I tried to reciprocate,he would not allow me saying I needed to catch up with him. He turned around and offered me his ass, which I wanted but refused. This was something we needed to talk about first. And I had no condoms with me. So he resumed sucking, and soon I exploded in his mouth. He devoured me,drained me, and savored me like a person who was totally taken up our relationship. After that performance, we toweled ourselves, and ran to one of the beds, naked and satiated. We talked about Miss Seattle; she was uninspiring, wanted no foreplay, and was interested only in a quick fuck.He said the whole thing lasted about a half hour. Then he came back here and waited for me. We spent the next hour in our now familiar 69, a position which gave us both great pleasure. It was then I introduced him to rimming. He loved it. Well, why not? It feels wonderful. Then he reciprocated on me.
I hadā€love beadsā€ in my case, which I inserted in his ass, sucked on his cock,and when he came, pulled out the beads one at a time. He screamed out into his pillow in ecstasy, He was now beginning to experience how many ways to increase the intensity of orgasm. He was smiling at me again as we turned out the light.Chapter 3 Miss Seattle must have had other conquests or interests, as we never saw her in the bar car again. And Raban did not seem to be looking for her or anyone else for that matter. So we toured day and had terrific sex night. Two nights left on the trip and Raban suggested with his ever present smile, we try to fuck. He wanted to experience both top and bottom.He had bought condoms that day in a ā€œchemistā€ shop. So I worked on him,rimming him, relaxing his beautiful ass with my fingers, more licking, and then with a condom on, I entered him. His globes were clenching me and I went very slow. First he was on his knees, then I turned him around so we could face each other and I could play with his leaking cock. He said he felt some pain, then that fulfilling feeling which come with a good thrusting partner. As soon as I touched his cock, he exploded, hitting his face with gobs of cum. That set me off too and I filled the condom.
After a brief rest, it was his turn. He was very gentle and caring for a first timer. He had the hardest cock I have ever experienced. He spoiled me forever. We both knew tomorrow was going to be the last night. We never spoke about it, we continued our many and varied conversations, we showered together as we have been doing for about four days. We sucked, rimmed, and fucked that night and our lovemaking went on for hours. We had only one rough moment, it was after breakfast, and while we were packing our cases for the trip home. His eyes watered as he asked to visit me in California.Of course I said yes, not knowing how I could manage it with my wife at home. The taxi arrived to take me to the airport, I last saw Raban smiling and waving as the taxi drove away. It was over. He was beautiful, what we experienced was beautiful, my memories of that vacation linger today twenty years later. We wrote letters and post cards to each other for about two years, the none day he sent me a wedding announcement. He married a woman of his choice who was also Iranian. They live in France where they have three children. He is bringing his family to tour the U.S. next month, and I am so nervous about seeing Raban again.
Iā€™ve seen pictures of him and his family from time to time. He seems to still have that infectious smile. I am almost totally gray now, a little heavier, and no longer have a large home to accommodate them. My wife and I will show them our beautiful City the Bay, we will drive them to the Sonora wine country. He has asked for either a lunch or a dinner alone, just he and I, he says he has something special for me. Well, Raban, you have been in my thoughts for so long, just being with you will be something special for me. I have had other male relationships over the years, one night stands on business trips, and very occasionally a visit to a local gay bar. I read Gay sex stories regularly, and I enjoy being married most of the time. Raban, I hope you have enjoyed a full and varied sex life too. Oh Raban! Raban! We have been very fortunate just to have what we had.
