Indian Gay sex story — A TRUE GAY LOVE STORY

It was a coldest night ever and my consignment was on a drive to Sundergarh (Orissa) and me, a 23 year old driver and 18 year old conductor were on a route to drop a consignment, our love boiled when we were ask to stop at a check post near kansabahal. My 18 year old conductor was a guy with a clean attitude and smooth chest teenage boy with budding sexuality. He was loosing his puberty and while that night I notice his shirt’s button open without having anything on body. Since morning he was having nothing over body other than shawl. That night my driver told me that we are not having anything other than showl and a heavy cotton cover up to wear during the night. After 30 minutes and so we found that check post ordered us to take a drive through state highway. I told my driver that I am shivering and need a sleep. As expected we will reach tomorrow morning and we will pass through the forest areas. So let me go at the back and there is a space out there I will lay by the passage.

I take up my bed and cotton cover and lay by there and then I felt warm inside. Suddenly my driver knock from the window glass and ask me a request that conductor is sleeping and need some place. Should I ask him to lay down somewhere close to you. I agree upon the same. Suddenly that innocent teenager appear from the passage, as space was concise and warm and covered up with cartoons all where. He was in Lungi and I notice his shawl was very thin. I ask how you survive through out the day. He said I am feeling feverish. So I take him along with me and ask him to sleep near by me. Suddenly he started shivering and pulling me for heating. I take up him and grip him from all part of his body. He was still shivering and pulling me. I take his entire cloth out and mine as well. Then gently tried to intercourse my cock in his ass hole. He first resist by then surrender when started feeling warmness from my body. It took me two minutes and I intercourse my whole cock inside. I was feeling really warm,smooth and fleshy inside his ass hole. It was nice calm and cute teenage was in my lap taking warm breathing and kissing his ears. I started rubbing my cocks ball inside and taking a complete feeling of his ass hole walls. He tighten his ass and take a feel of my balls.

I rubbed my balls and then take a feel right left and center. I just take grip again and hold with my both the hands grip his smooth chest. Rubbed his chest and rubbed my cock simultaneously unload my cum and kept rubbing for next 15 mintues. Once I relax we both sleep for next 6 hrs in hugging posture and I felt my first crush incomplete for that night.

We wake up bath in the dam and again en trip for Sundergarh. We drop our consignment and return again next day. In a way again I make a relationship with him and this time he was relax. As I found him ready so it take me very less time in getting both of us undress and intercourse. Again we did rub barely and unload my cum. It tool me next three months and we did sex barely in different different postures. Many many times we sex in deep under water after soaping each other, my driver also shown his interest and after that we become three secret sex companions. Who were in love with each other for no terms and bond.


Submitted by Mantu Mahto
