Desi Gay sex story – Mahboob and Shiraz
My name is Mahboob, I am 26 years, with 6’ and 130 lbs.….and 9 inch cut…with athletic body….very handsome…good looking…and I am trying to lived free for few weeks until I found job…for this I was driving and stop of one house…then walk to the door
I inhaled slowly, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I wasn’t sure of my welcome here…but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I waited, wondered if I’d have to knock again, when the door opened.
A young boy may be 18 years of age….opened the door and looked up at me. I could see his mother’s face in him, a face that was also one that looked out at me in the mirror when I was 18 which looked to be his age. Flame-colored hair, clear blue eyes…. features that were elven on him but would turn into rugged manliness when he reached my age, his body bursting with untapped potential. He peered up at me.
“Hi! Who are you?”
I smiled down at him in what I hoped was an ingratiating smile, and did hold a fair amount of genuine fondness. I could see myself when younger in him, as I’d said…and times had been simpler then. Not like now, no sir-ree!
“I’m Mahboob.”
I told him. “I’m your uncle.”
“You’re my uncle? Really?”
His eyes lit up like miniature fireworks.
“Yep. Your mother’s younger brother.” I went on.
“Been a long time since I’ve been around. Is she here?”
“Who is it, Shiraz?”
Came the female voice. So fucking familiar, even after all these years, I recognized it.
“Hello, Sister.” I said and smiled.
She looked at me, and blinked.“Who are you?”
“It’s Uncle Mahboob!”
Shiraz bellowed out before I could say anything.
“I have an uncle, and you never told me about him!”
My sister looked at me, uncertain. It had been a long time.
“Yeah, sister, it’s me.”
“You’re not Mahboob. You can’t be Mahboob. Mahboob’s dead, been dead since….”
“Since I was way younger then Shiraz’s age?”
I continued for her.
“It’s me, sister.”
“This is so cool!”
Shiraz was gushing.
“I always wondered if I had any family other than you and Dad, and now I got an uncle!”
“He’s not your uncle.”
My sister said again. Coldly, not cruelly, I mean, she was refusing to believe it.
“I know it’s been a long time.”
I went on.
“Things happened back then. You didn’t know about it all, but it’s me. I’m finally back, and I need your help.”
“You can’t be Mahboob!” My sister said again.
“Look at me, sister.” I urged her.
“It’s me. Don’t you recognize me? I recognized you the minute I saw you.”
“He’s my uncle!” Shiraz added.
“He looks just like I will when I grow up, Mom! You know he does!”
“I was just thinking the same thing.” I grinned down at my little supporter.
“Boy and you’re strong, too!” he said.
“How much can you lift, anyway?”
I made a muscle on my right arm. “How much do you think?”
Shiraz jumped up and hung onto my bicep, swung from it like a monkey. His weight, maybe sixty, seventy pounds, wasn’t enough to make my arm wobble, he swung up, and back and dropped off, landed on his feet.
“A whole lot!” he answered his own question.
“Maybe you’re Mahboob and maybe you’re not.”
sister went on.
“We’ll have to see about that, if you don’t mind. Last time I saw my brother, I was only twelve.”
“And I was eight.”
I agreed.
“Been a long time, more than 18 years, and things have changed.”
“So what kind of help are you looking for?” My sister asked suspiciously.
“Just need a place to stay for a while.” I said ingenuously.
“Been through a few rough times and have to look for a new job and such. When I found out you were in town, I figured I’d come see if you’d put me up for old times’ sake if nothing else. Can I stay with you for a few weeks?”
Shiraz piped up before his mother could say a word.
“You can stay as long as you like! And you can sleep in my room!”
He grabbed my hand and started to drag me that way.
“Shiraz!” Sister snapped.
“Your father and I will have to talk about this. But…” her voice dropped a few tones in volume and intensity.
“…you might as well stay for dinner while we talk it over.”
“Come on, Uncle Mahboob!”
Shiraz started tugging at my hand again.“I want to show you where you’ll be sleeping.”
I looked at his Mom helplessly.
“Go ahead.” she sighed.
“We’ll have time to talk after dinner.”
So I let Shiraz drag me to his room.
The kid had a pretty cool room, really. A weight set, a computer station, and a large, comfortable looking bed. Plenty of closet space.
“Really nice.”
I agreed.
“I have to try out that computer. To find a job, that is.”
Not what I had in mind, but it’d do for Rodney.
“And those weights.”
That diverted Shiraz and he soon had me stripped to the waist with him while we took turns on his weights. The kid pressed a fairly impressive weight in his work-outs and his body was showing the results, not muscle-bound (no kid can be, his body shoots up too quickly) but nicely formed. I had to use most of the weights he had to do a decent set of reps for myself, but that wasn’t the point. I wanted to ingratiate myself with Shiraz, enough to overrule his parents’ more sensible sense of caution about a relative stranger in their house. And Shiraz wanted to check out my body.
He kept looking at me as I worked, with an intensity that I recognized after a while.
“Go ahead and touch them.”
I invited him after I realized what he really wanted.
“It’s okay. Feel my muscles.”
I was lying on the workout bench, splayed out for his inspection and now, his touch.
Shiraz dove on me eagerly and felt my biceps, my peck, my abs, my back. Tracing out the muscles in a way that was rather more intimate than I expected, I found myself throwing a boner, thankfully nearly invisible in my blue jeans.
And then came the call.
“Shiraz! Your father’s home. Bring down Uncle Mahboob with you, too! We have to talk!”
I sat up.
“Better go get it over with. I think I’m in for an unpleasant evening.”
“Don’t worry!”
Shiraz said vehemently.
“I’ll talk them into it for you, Uncle Mahboob.”
“I’m counting on you, Shiraz.”
I said.
“You bet, Uncle Mahboob.”
he countered. I just beamed as he was doing, for he obviously intended it as a point of increased closeness, and rumpled his hair.
“Let’s go.”
We waited until after eating to start the talk, a good thing for it got more than a bit gritty. Shiraz’s dad was even more hostile to me than his mother, who was, after all, working through resentment and confusion.
After all, I’d been lost to her for 18 years and now I show up, only when I needed help. Of course, I couldn’t explain what I’d been doing during those 18 years. Did I mention both my sister and her husband were police officers? They were.
I told them just enough truth that I wouldn’t make any obvious gaffes, but laced it with enough lies that they would take me into their home. I wasn’t going to do anything to taint their lives, I just needed from them exactly what I had told them, a point to recover myself and get back on my feet. After that, I could vanish again and leave them none the worse for the experience.
And I had Shiraz on my side. His arguments were strong and irrefutable.
“Come on, Mom! He’s family! You got to help out your family, don’t you?”
“So why is he coming to us now?” my father put in.
“He wasn’t thinking of family all these years, was he?”
“I didn’t know where my sister was.”
I put in.
“Not until a few days ago.”
“Did you even look?”
My sister asked. And I saw tears in her eyes.
“Did you?” I asked her softly.
“Over and over again. God, how I looked!”
“I’m here now, sister.” I said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
That lie nearly gagged me, but I had to say it.
“Come on, Mom.” Shiraz pleaded. “Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t they?”
That wasn’t quite the end of it, but it ended the essentials. I got to stay with them “for a few days.”
Which is as good as saying as long as I’d need to get back on my feet, for who throws out a brother who’s not being a problem in the house.
“Hooray!” Shiraz put the end point on that discussion.
“We can set you up on this couch.” Tahir (my brother-in-law, Sister’s husband) said.
“It pulls out into a bed, though we’ve hardly used it for that.”
“No!” Shiraz interjected. “Uncle Mahboob is staying in my room!”
His father looked at me and I smiled and shrugged.
“He’s offered. And the room is big enough, anyhow. I need access to a computer for my job search anyhow and….”
“And what?”
“And Shiraz wants me to share his room.”
I said.
“He wants to be with his uncle. He’s not the only one who’s been without family for a long time. Sharing a bed with my nephew sounds pretty good to me.”
“We can lay there and talk about guy stuff.”
Shiraz went on.
“He can teach me how to do things and I can show him around town, help him get settled in and such. Right, Uncle Mahboob?”
“Right, ShiShi.” I told him.
“Well, all right then.” his father said.
“But the couch is here whenever you get tired of it.”
“Yay! Uncle Mahboob is sleeping in my room!”
“Speaking of which.”
I yawned. The food for dinner had been rather heavier than I was used to, and winning a tension-filled argument can wear you out.
“I’m ready to go to bed right now”
It was only nine o’clock, but Shiraz was quick to grab my hand and try to drag me upstairs once again. I laughed and let him drag me…a little.
Upstairs, Shiraz started to get undressed, as did I.
“Don’t you have any pajamas, Uncle Mahboob?” he asked when I was pulling off my blue jeans, my last bit of clothing except for my boxers.
I laughed.
“I usually just sleep in my underwear or nude.”
I told him. “I have more clothes in my car, I was going to get them out and wash them tomorrow. Most of them are dirty; I’ve been living out of my car for nearly a month until I learned your mother was here in town.”
“Yeah.” Shiraz said, and wrinkled his nose.
“I noticed you smelled kind of funky, but I wasn’t going to say nothing.”
“Thanks a lot.” I said.
“I should take a shower before I go to bed then.”
“No need for that.” Shiraz said.
“But maybe you should lose the boxers, too. They’re kind of nasty.”
“You wash clothes out in a public bathroom sink with nothing but hand soap to wash them with, and see how well you do.”
I countered. “They’ll be okay for one night.”
“Oh, come on.” Shiraz urged me. He was down to his own briefs.
“I’ll take mine off if you do.” And he promptly skinned his briefs down his legs and was naked in front of me.
I blinked at his body. He had a stiff dick down there, no doubt about it.
“Come on, Uncle Mahboob.”
Shiraz said again.
“Get them off and let’s get in bed.”
He bounded into his bed, and under the covers, held one upper corner in his hand in invitation to join him in there.
I slid my boxers down my legs and stepped toward the bed. Shiraz’s eyes were fastened upon my dong the entire way. My cock started that trip soft and small, but it swelled and filled out as I got closer. I put one knee on the bed to get in and when I did that, Shiraz’s hand dropped the cover and caught hold of my hardening dong. It immediately stiffened on up at his touch.
I got on into the bed as best I could, for Shiraz didn’t turn loose, an awkward moment or so but then I was lying beside him and he had a firm hold on me. The covers were still down below my knees, pushed down by my efforts to get under them handicapped as I was, but decided not to try to reach them and pull it on up. It seemed rather futile at this point.
Instead, I looked at Shiraz and said,
“So this is why you were so eager for me to share your room with you, is it?”
“Nu-uh!” he denied avidly.
“You’re my uncle, that’s why I wanted you in here. We can talk and everything, too.”
“As long as we do this, too, huh?”
“Well.” Shiraz said.
“That’s the best part of it, huh?”
I leaned back and sighed. “The absolute best.”
The light was still on in the room. Shiraz leaned over and rested his head on my chest so he could get a better look at what he was doing. Me, I just enjoyed the feel of his hand on my cock, pumping it up and down. Shit, I hadn’t done this since I’d been back in the orphanage back…there.
We boys would crawl into each other’s beds and whom the night away. It almost made up for what went on during the day at that awful, awful place.
Of course, playing with each other with our hands was only a part of what we’d done in those beds. The older boys had taught me very, very well. Time now for me to teach my nephew. I started by putting my hand on his head and rubbing it.
“Nice, Shiraz, really, really nice.”
Then I started pushing on his head, softly at first but then harder.
“Why don’t you slide down and get a better look at it. Real, real close.”
Shiraz obligingly slid down to where he was only inches away from it. His head rose up so his face was only a few inches away, his eyes feasted upon my nine inches of hard uncut dong wobbling under his hands ministrations.
“Can you suck on it for me, ShiShi?” I whispered to him.
“Can you take it in your mouth and suck on it for me.”
“Suck on it?” he was bewildered.
“Yeah, it feels good, having someone suck on it. You didn’t know that?”
“Well.” I chuckled.
“You did say I could teach you things.”
Shiraz considered this.
And his mouth moved and closed upon my cockhead.
My hand went with him and when he caught hold, I said,
“Move it up and down. I’ll help you do it. Just hang on and let me do most of the work for you.”
Shiraz was pliable to my wishes and his warm, warm lips held on tight as I moved his head up and down. I put both my hands on his head, held onto it, and moved it like a hairy globe upon my manhood. Shiraz caught onto the trick without my explanation, keeping his mouth wet and hanging on as he rose up, loosening to let him slide down easier and more completely, hold onto more of my cockscomb as he rose up again.
“Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh!” I groaned.
“Damned good, ShiShi, damned good!”
His lips started making a loud suckling sound as he pumped up and down on me. That sound was so wet, so sensual and so entwined with my pleasure in every squelching noise that my body shuddered at it. His small, eager body was so pale and pliant under my hands.
I let go of him, he was doing it better than I could by now. I reached instead and caught his young-boy cock. 3-4”, in my hand and began to work it for him. That stimulation made Shiraz speed up more than ever and just as my own climax began to build in my balls, he began to moan and hunch at my hand. I groaned and squirted my load in hot jets into his mouth, and Shiraz slurped it down as quick as I shot it out, his own grunts of pleasure interspersing his sucking in of my jism, and when my own orgasm was done, panting but still game, I jerked him until he groaned and actually leaked a small amount of fluid onto my fingers (it was transparent, not milky at all) and I regarded it, licked it off my fingers as Shiraz watched me do so, and giggled.
“Tasty stuff, isn’t it?” I agreed.
“Yeah.” He snuffled and then moved up to snuggle under my armpit, and his hands pulled the covers up over us. I helped him arrange them over us and we went to sleep.
So much for talking in bed.
I woke up the next morning to Shiraz’s mouth on my cock, working on my morning erection that purred like he’d been doing it for a while. I reached for Shiraz’s own prick, but he was lying on it, and I settled for probing my finger at his butt. Shiraz was surprised but game as before, he let me wriggle my finger in between his warm little buttocks and he felt me probing at his anus and gasped, let go of my cock and inquired,
“What are you doing, Uncle Mahboob?”
“Ready for me to teach you something else?”
“We’ll take it slow.”
I assured him. I wasn’t sure how much time we had here and settled for working my finger into his ass so he could begin to get used to it and see how pleasant it felt to have a man’s digit in your hole, and he moaned and sucked me harder and I shot my morning load into his eager, gulping lips.
Just in time, too. I had no more than finished when a knock came at the door.
“Shiraz? Mahboob? Time to get up, breakfast in half an hour.” My sister called to us.
“I think I just had breakfast.”Shiraz whispered to me and I laughed at his come-stained, happy face.
“I think you need a shower.” I told him. “Me, too.”
“We can share!”
I let Shiraz shower with me, and his hands rubbed my cock in a way that got me all hot and bothered again. Not that we had time to let me do a warmer, slower, more satisfying second round just now. Tonight, maybe, when I wasn’t so tired. We got out, dried, and went down to breakfast.
My Sister was a good cook, it turned out, and I had a satisfying meal. I could gain weight if I stayed with them, and said as much, winning a smile from Sally. She left for work, taking Shiraz to school with her, and I did some much needed laundry. Then I set out that afternoon for my own business.
I had lied to Shiraz Mom, but I’ve already admitted that. My business took me to some unsavory neighborhoods but I made contacts and was ready to get back into trade. A few deals and I could start my new life. Not pretty, but when had my life ever been pretty? Not since I’d been orphaned at age eight, lost and alone in a strange land. You don’t get out of that by playing by the rules!
But I was back home, if not by sundown, at least at a decent hour. My sister’s family had eaten, but were still out of bed.
“I was wondering if you’d come back.”
Was all my brother-in-law said? My sister, too, was dubious, but I managed to win back some of their goodwill by telling a few lies and a few jokes, in the usual proportion.
Shiraz again tugged at my hand.
“You had something else to teach me.” he reminded me as he led me up the stairs.
“Yeah.” I agreed. I’d prepared for that, as well.
Inside, we disrobed and I pulled out a tube of lubricant. Getting Shiraz up on the bed on all fours, I probed his little butthole again, worming the gel into his anus in liberal quantities. Shiraz loved the feeling, moaning and grunting as I plied him with the sticky goo.
“You ready to see what happens next?”
I asked him as I squirted more of the lube into my palm and applied it to my cock.
I took my time, not wanting to hurt Shiraz any more than necessary, and he was eager as any man could wish a boy virgin to be. I soon had my prod well into him, and began to work my hips back and forth, slowing fucking his hot little boy ass.
Shiraz moaned and worked his head back and forth on the pillow in front of him, and I enjoyed it.
“No hurry tonight, ShiShi.” I told him as I shifted my position. “I want you to love it as much as I do.”
“I do, Uncle Mahboob, oh, oh, I do!” Shiraz groaned.
“Feels so good, like nothing I ever felt before!”
“I should hope not!” I agreed.
“Let’s turn you over in bed so I can look at your face while I fuck you.”
We pivoted his hot little body around on my cock like a pig on a spit and when he was rolled over, I leaned onto the bed and Shiraz’s arms went up around me.
“Now we can do it like this.” I told him as I began to fuck him again.
“This way is best.” Shiraz agreed and kissed me.
“I love you, Uncle Mahboob. I don’t want you to ever leave. You can sleep in my room forever, okay? Okay, please, huh?”
“Sure, ShiShi, forever and ever.” I told him.
And Shiraz gasped and clung to me and his young-boy orgasm struck him and I got my stomach sticky with his little come-load, or whatever it was since he was still shooting blanks, as it were. I felt that heat and his ass clenched in his delight and I moaned and creamed inside of him while he was still gasping, all hot and sweaty in my arms.
“Oh, God, Uncle Mahboob, you’re the best!” Shiraz breathed as I held onto him after, heaving and panting hard.
“You’re pretty good, too, Shiro.”
“I think I prefer Shiro.” he said.
“Makes me feel real special. You can call me that forever and ever.”
“Forever and ever.” I agreed.
I tried to pull away, but Shiraz held on, and we ended up getting into bed like that, my cock still buried in his butt. It fell out while we slept, but Shiraz never let go of me otherwise that I can remember, for we woke up that way.
I woke up early, myself, and looked at him sleeping in my arms. Trust and love etched his face, even in slumber. God, if only I’d had that when growing up, instead of being abandoned like I was. Sure, I knew intellectually that Mom and Dad hadn’t abandoned Sis and me, things had just happened and we were too young to do anything about it, but that was how it had felt. Then the long months in that orphanage, along, unwanted, unknown and unloved. Yeah, I’d been abandoned.
But wasn’t I going to do that to Shiraz in a few days? And to Sister, too?
Shiraz awoke and smiled at me, and we kissed, but then came the knock at the door. Another day of school for him, another day of work for his mother/my sister, and the day I was to pick up my consignment and start to build my fortune.
I set out wondering what I was doing to myself. But I had it figured out in short order, and what to do about it.
I came back that evening this time before Shiraz and my sister, was waiting on them. My sister came in first and greeted me with,
“How’s the job hunting going?”
“Pretty good.” I said.
“I got an interview with a place first thing in the morning. Doesn’t pay that much, but it’s honest work.”
“Where?” My sister wanted to know and when I told her, it is in Montreal….she looked surprised.
“I was beginning to wonder.”
“About what?” I asked. Shiraz had come in and came over and snuggled up next to me on the couch.
“About you.” My sister went on.
“I had you figured for a con man. But if you’re taking a job there, maybe you’re on the level after all….It will be good beginning for you”
“Well.” I told her. “I am now.”
She nodded, and I realized she’d used her resources at the police department to check on me.
“So what changed your mind?”
“Shiraz here did.” I told her.
“I began to realize that I had the start of something real good here. Family at last. I never had that before. I think it’s worth holding on to. Only one thing, though.”
“That job, if I get it, doesn’t pay much. Can I stay here longer than a few days, maybe pay rent and stay on….until I decided to join that job in Montreal”
“I’ll talk to Tahir.” My Sister said.
“Sure you can!” Shiraz interjected.
“You can sleep in my room for as long as you like.”
“Thanks.” I smiled and ruffled his hair again.
“I may just do that. If your mother doesn’t mind.”
My sister looked at me and her son and a smile lit her face, a real, genuine smile. Like she was trusting me at last.
“All right. I guess you can sleep in Shiraz’s room as long as you want to.”
I was going to want to for a long, long time!
Then Shiraz drag me upstairs to his room….and started kissing with joy…..he was hugging me …my cock gets hard and touching his belly…he then smiled and said
“your cock is ready for me…looking my hole…my ass…or say Gaand…lets go show your cock my gaand…he will like it as last night”
I said “ohhh …my ShiShi ….lets lock the door and get fast fucking….in half an hour your mom and dad will be back from shopping”
I lift in my hand ….and make him and myself nude…and started to fuck my dear ShiShi….he is willing to give me from his heart….
I laid down on bed and lift his both legs up and by pressing forward…so his ass is fully open…and inserted my cock…my Lund…by full stroke…
Shiraz was shouting with pain and joy….and telling me “My hero Mahboob….fuck me hard…..I like your cock (Lund) in my pussy ass (Gaand)….give strong push…kill me…yeah ..yeah…yeah”
I started fast fucking him….after I came with full load of Cum…the real juice….after its got soft …we both take quick shower before Shiraz parents will back…..and we came down stair to watch TV ….so after their parents walk in….as they saw…..
Shiraz jumped ….and great them “welcome home”
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