Sex office story of a new intern’s sexploration: 1

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Sex office story: Raj jumped to the sound of alarm crooning for the third time after going on auto-snooze twice already. He was half an hour late on his plans.

Rushing to the washroom, madly lathering his face for a shave, he wondered, if the idea of setting a mellow song as the alarm ringtone— so that he could wake up more transitionally than with a jolt; was such a great idea after all.

Rather, more particularly for the day he had to get up early, for this job interview.

Pandemic had been rough on Raj. He had lost his job. He was unemployed for over a year. And by the time jobs opened up again, he realized his skills and experiences were already behind his age.

Everyone is only looking to hire freshers and ‘junior’ whatevers. Raj had reached the depleting end of his savings. He desperately needed a job soon.

After rummaging through so many a job openings and phone interviews, Raj finally got an on-site interview. Albeit, this interview did not succeed a phone interview first. Raj thought that was weird.

He just received an email about his job application, offering a range of times, Raj could pick to come to their office for an interview. The office wasn’t far from where he lived either, so he didn’t mind.

The previous night he had picked one his formals he hadn’t worn in quiet a long time. He was glad he had invested in some dry-clean hanger bags when he was working.

He took some time to decide between a pale yellow and a baby pink shirt. And instinctively went for the latter. He wondered to himself, later in the cab, that if perhaps unemployment had beaten him down enough for him to wear his submission to his desperation upon his skin.

The office was situated in an old office complex that mushroomed upon a lal dora region, which wasn’t privileged to urban planning in the old days.

Half-hazard streets snaked through cheek-to-jowl building blocks, while the blocks were lined with buildings standing wall-to-wall. All kinds of shops were lined on the ground floor, while offices, workshops and factories occupied the upper floors.

Perhaps, the barsaatis were occupied residentially.

This seemed like a relatively bigger company that occupied an entire building on the fag end of one of the streets, away from the chaotic market. The main door below its shutter was made of glass, mostly frosted in linear design, which Raj found amusing considering the grungy surroundings.

He walked into the building through a long, narrow hall and reached one of the two doors at the end, and entered into the one that was open.

A middle-aged man sat behind a desk. He took some time to notice Raj at the door. When he did, he seemed a bit surprised and looked around for the guard, who was late today.

They exchanged introductions, and Raj was asked to sit while Mr. Kumar made some calls. He seemed like a formal, to-the-point kind of a person, Raj pondered; which might be a good thing. Once he was done Mr. Kumar returned to his chair and the interview commenced.

“Alright,” Mr. Kumar concluded, “All this seems good. Technically, you are eligible for the position, I suppose.”

“That sounds great. Is there anything else?” Raj enquired hopefully.

“Well, the thing is, that’s just the technical requirement. There are some more important aspects to this position.”

Raj frowned in incomprehension. “Okay…?”

Mr. Kumar gave a strange smile and said, “But before we proceed on that, you would need to sign an NDA”

Raj was confused. “Wait. Does that mean I got the job?”

“This is the NDA for the interview. Whatever we discuss today remains confidential behind that door” Mr. Kumar stated clinically, while pointing in the direction of the frosted main door.

Raj thought this was odd. He had never been in an interview which was locked under a confidentiality agreement. Some intuition in the depths of his mind, turn on a torch in his head. He was intrigued. He agreed and signed the paper Mr. Kumar had promptly pulled out of his drawer.

“So. As you know, this company has been around for generations. Mr. Singh, the current owner and the CEO, is the third generation. When he took over less than a decade ago, he formalized certain workplace cultures, that had existed quite informally, posing a lot of legal threat. Now we are all clean. Everything that happens here, stays here.”

“Okay… What kind of workplace cultures?”

“We don’t hire women. While the company is exposed to accusations of sexism, we are underground enough to not be considered as a big fish that needs to be taken down. We only hire willing men. Because the interpersonal equation between all employees here is not official alone.”

The thin invisible hair on the back of Raj’s neck stood up. He felt he knew what was coming next. There was some strange reason why he had instinctively finalized upon the pink shirt.

It was as if he could feel the shirt melt into a gooey pink liquid that began crawling down his torso.

“Sexuality is a fundamental part of this equation and the social structure within this company does not frown upon it. Everyone is a willing participant. And the power dynamics are similar to those of the hierarchies in any other company.”

“The seniors have power over the juniors. And assuming everything else stays good, you will have the opportunity to become a senior eventually. Provided, you stick to the terms.”

“And what are the terms?”

“When you sign your contract with us, you also sign over your body autonomy onto us, for the duration you’ll be employed to work for the company. Apart from the actual work, you’ll also be available to any kind of sexual engagement requested or demanded from anyone.”

“Over time you can become more indispensable at your job role, and you can use that to leverage your consent. But you’ll start at the junior most. And you’ll be fair game. For anyone and everyone here.”

Mr. Kumar went onto to reiterate the importance of confidentiality in legalese, but by now his voice had become a distant echo in Raj’s ears.

The entire previous year of unemployment flashed in front of his eyes. All the nights he had gone to sleep on a packet of Maggi.

All the distances he walked in scorching heat to get to the bus stand or metro. All the friends he has lost touch with because he can’t afford to hang out in cafes or clubs. Sitting in that tube lit room, he could feel an invisible energy release and leave his body.

Perhaps, it was his pride or ego. Something else manifested and filled within the vacuum left behind. Something dark and foreboding. Yet, enticing enough for Raj to already arrive at a decision. He was ready to sign the papers.

“So. How much of this ‘actual work’ will I actually have,” Raj enquired in a dry tone; “—during the first three months you mentioned as probation period?”

Mr. Kumar was visibly, though subtly taken aback by the abruptness of Raj’s question. He was rather used to getting to this more difficult part, after many basic questions which were usually asked more to adjust to the bizarreness of the situation.

“Truthfully? Not as much, perhaps. You’ll be like any other intern left to your devices. You’ll have to build your equations with your team-members to find work and make yourself useful. Although there is one specific requirement for this probation period.”

Raj gestured him to go on.

“You won’t be wearing any clothes during the first three months of your tenure. You’ll be provided slippers to walk around, but that’s the only item you shall carry upon your body.”

Piping hot blood began to accumulate at the base of Raj’s penis, though he was too blank to visibly react by facial gestures anymore.

“How much does this job pay?”

Mr. Kumar smiled, almost as if he was impressed. He scribbled onto a post-it pad, turned it around and slid it in front of Raj.

Raj thought his eyes had teared up at the disbelief upon the numbers written on the pad. It was more than double of what he was getting two years ago. He looked up to Mr. Kumar, who was quietly waiting for his response, looking straight into Raj’s eyes, without a blink.

“When do I start?”

Raj was told that the final interview would take place with Mr. Singh. He was asked to wait where he was sitting, while Mr. Kumar left the room saying he’ll be back for Raj’s second part of the interview, which were some ‘preliminary tests’ they needed to run first.

While waiting he saw the guard finally arrive to his work, went into his small room in the back, changed into his uniform and appeared with a greeting smile to Raj.

“Aapne paper sign kar diya?” the guard asked, in a matter of fact. As Raj nodded in agreement, he continued, “To aap locker room mein chale jao, aapka test wahi hoga.”

The locker room was situated behind the wall of the reception room where Mr. Kumar sat, opposite the other wall within which the guard’s room was carved out. Raj was rather surprised to realize that it was an unusually spacious locker room for an office in this locality.

On one side, several columns of aluminum locker shelves lined up, while the other side was lined with showers separated by a glass partition. On the far end of the room were two benches and a large table, while towels and clothes hung from the hooks on the wall.

As soon as Raj parked himself on the bench, Mr. Kumar appeared behind him looking through some files in his hands and a box that looked like a medical kit.

“It’s okay. You can undress now and get on to the table there.”

Mr. Kumar kept his things on the corner of the table and continued to write in his files, with his back toward Raj. Raj took this as a cue, and slowly took off everything.

It was only now he realized, that he had also picked a baby pink underwear for this day, which he consciously left on, apart from his socks. Mr. Kumar turned to look, glanced at his underwear and smiled. “Everything.”

Raj was already erect by now. He got completely naked and went over to the other side of the table, crossing his hands over his crotch to somewhat conceal and prop up his erection.

Mr. Kumar glanced again, smiled again in a comforting manner, and consoled, “Its okay. It happens.”

“Alright,” Mr. Kumar started, sliding his specs on, “I need you to get on top the table and get up on all fours.”

“Is it happening already?” Raj asked without thinking, while climbing up.

“Not yet. We need to check if your body is viable for the kind of sexual load it would need to bear.” Saying which, he went around behind Raj’s ass, and placed his hand on the inside of his right thigh, and directed, “Can you part your legs wider, unclench your buttocks and arch down your back, please?”

And then went on to circumambulate around this erotic sculpture of Raj’s body, taking various pictures from a cybershot. Returning to his original position, he leaned in closer to Raj’s ass, as if to study it in detail.

He placed his thumb on the top of his ass crack and slid it down feeling up the texture of his dry hole. He muttered to himself, which Raj thought sounded like, “This needs some work”

“I didn’t know…” Raj tried to reason.

“That’s alright.” Mr. Kumar pulled out a small bottle and squirted some lube into his palm. Slowly massaging the tip of Raj’s anus with his index finger, Mr. Kumar instructed him to unclench as wide as possible.

Raj hadn’t done this in a while. As Mr. Kumar started to push his finder into the hole, Raj pushed is rectum to open as much as possible to finally let the entire index finger in.

Mr. Kumar continued to massage the hole in and out, while probing inside by turning is finger around. Once Raj relaxed, and the hole got looser, Mr. Kumar commended, “Good.”

The fingering went on for a while. One finger, two fingers and finally three. Raj tried really hard to suppress his moans, but by the time the third finger slid in, his feverish breathing was loud enough to obviously fill the quiet locker room.

On the final insertion, Mr. Kumar slid all three of his fingers deep till the knuckles, stopped there and proceeded to the next instruction: “Stay like this, keep your legs and hips intact; but come off your arms and straighten up until you’re on your knees.”

Sex office story of a horny young intern

As Raj straightened up like some obedient ventriloquist dummy beholden to its master, his erection was now illuminated under the tube light above, and perpendicular to his body.

Mr. Kumar wrapped the fingers of his other hand around Raj’s shaft and squeezed it tightly three times. Then he slid the skin up and down, which released precum at the tip, which glistened under the sharp light.

With one last squeeze, Mr. Kumar slid his palm till the glans, and flicked the tip to capture the drop of precum on his thumb. He observed the drop closer to his eyes, took a deep breath and declared, “Alright. You’re good to go.”

He slowly slid out his fingers from Raj’s hole and extended the thumb of his other hand towards Raj’s face. Though a direction hadn’t been specified, Raj leaned over and gently wrapped his lips around the tip of Mr. Kumar’s thumb and licked off his own precum, which tasted saltier due to Mr. Kumar’s skin.

Mr. Kumar flashed another of his warm smile, and pointed towards a bunch of slippers behind the table. “Take your pick. We are going up.”

To be continued…

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