Indian Gay Sex Story of Straight Guy’s Seduction

Indian Gay Sex Story: Arber is my best friend’s husband. They both doctors with hot looks. We joke about how their looks distract patients from pain of injections or broken bones. Arber and I we were friends for over 6 years. He married Grace (my bestie) while they were pursuing their degrees.
One day in gym I pulled a muscle in thigh. I assumed that it will settle down by itself and all I needed was to be little careful. But the pain reached my groin and my balls started to hurt like I got punched in groin. I called Arber since I was too embarrassed to discuss it with Grace.
He graciously came over to my place as I was not comfortable with walking or driving.
I told him what had happened. He hesitated for a moment and then said ‘well I will have to examine your jewels’. I got nervous and could not respond to that. He was married to my best friend and I never imagined throwing my pants away for him, especially for medical reasons. I just kept looking at him with a question mark on my face.
He slipped on latex glove and said ‘in the name of science’. I unbuckled, laid back and closed my eyes. I was too embarrassed. He started fondling my balls.
Me: uh uuh your hands are cold.
He: Sorry
Me: So, what do u see?
He was still examining and he placed his first two fingers on a point on my inner thigh. ‘SON OF A BITCH!’ I exasperated.
Him: So this is the problem area. You have a torn ligament and that pain is radiating in your gonads. Your thigh muscles and lower abdomen is directly connected with your groin. I buckled up and took medicines and necessary precautions. In some days my leg was as good as new but I cannot say the same about relation between me and Arber.
Our equation changed. Neither of us acted different but we knew something was not as it used to be. He called me to his clinic. I went and he said ‘ I want to examine you for last time, just to be very sure.’ I could see in his eyes that it no longer was a medical thing. He just wanted me nude.
Me: am ok. no pain
He: I know but I want to check for possible lumps
Me: hmmm I am not comfortable with getting touched there by you. If there are no lumps then can I zip up?
He looked little shocked by what I said and he backed off immediately. While removing gloves he turned away from me and said ‘please zip yourself.’
Equation between me and Arber changed from that day. There was an awkwardness between us which was absent before that. Grace noticed that and enquired if all was ok. I said ‘yes.’ Days passed by and communication between me and Arber started to fade off. I felt that this could have an impact on my friendship with Grace and hence I tried to patch up with Arber.
“Hey bro. I sense that I crossed some line that day. I did not mean to hurt you. It us just that you are my bestie’s husband and I could not shake this thought off”.
He did not reply to my text. Commitments of life took over and I forgot all about him and this incident. One day Arber texted me “hi bro”
Me: oh hello!
Him: How are you?
Me: Incredible. And yourself?
Him: Am good too. I wanted to talk to you.
Me: what stops you? Shall I call?
Him: No. I want to talk to you in person. Your place or mine?
Me: Mine.
Him: Wine on me
Me: Sounds like a plan. See you on Friday at 7pm.
Him: Cool. Will see you then.
Arber came and we opened beer. He confessed that the mix of my social life, looks and the life I had created around me is something that a man can only dream about and hence he sort of fell for me. He always dream of a life like this and he assumed that becoming a doctor would provide that.
He mentioned that Grace talks about me all the time and many times she deals with situations keeping me in perspective (like if he was here how would he react). Arber was completely fascinated by me because he was a part of the world which is shut for world and is virtually impenetrable.
Me: I understand. Sorry to say this but you are not the first guy to stand in that spot. I have had many people expressing same. But Arber, beyond what I have and how I look I am a person.
I adore Grace because she does not give a fuck about all this. She keeps me humble and real. Am very grateful for that.
Indian gay sex story of a straight guy’s sexy seduction
Arber; Am feeling very ashamed of myself, can I please leave?
Me: No, there is dinner planned. Come on! Let us wash all this down with beer and forget about it
Arber: Can I get one hug?
Me; Of course! Come here you cute dog
We hugged and I could sense how uncomfortable and burdened Arber was. I allowed him to be like that because I did not want to cheat my best friend with her husband. I assumed with time he will forget all this and realise how silly he had been and I was wrong!
One night at 2 am my phone ring jolted me out of sleep. I missed that call, I picked up my phone and there were 86 missed calls from Grace and several text messages.
Her last message read “YOU NEED TO COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!”