Indian Gay Sex Story: Raveesh & I on a Romantic Trip: 1

Indian Gay Sex Story: Raveesh & I on a Romantic Trip: 1
Indian Gay Sex Story: Hi guys,
Thank you for appreciating my past stories, and I really am thankful to all those guys who wrote in to me, appreciating my stories, and asking me for more. So just for you guys I will narrate another story that really happened to me, with a guy who is so very dear to my heart.
Caution: if u r looking for just sex story, this isn’t one of them.
It was almost the end of the summer, monsoon clouds were due in other two weeks, that means my holidays were about to finish too, and I was upset that I didn’t get to go out anywhere this year, Raveesh noticed my gloom, but didn’t say anything, this had upset me more, that he didn’t care what I felt.
One day I went to a friend’s place just to pass some time, but to my utmost displeasure and jealousy he was out of town with his cousins, I had no where to go, so I returned home disgruntled, I hardly entered my apartment, I was surprised to see Raveesh’s bike in the parking lot, this was not his usual time to come home from his office.
Wondering if he was sick or something, I ran floor, weirdly his flat was still locked, where could he possibly go leaving his bike and car behind? I turned to go into my flat when I found his shoes at my door, and I heard him talking to my mom, happy that he returned early I went in. Raveesh and my parents were talking, and turned their heads when they heard me coming in, Raveesh gave me his pleasant loving smile, before o could say something, mom said “where have you been Kishan, Raveesh here has been waiting for you almost over thirty minutes now”
“You should have called me up Mom” I said reprovingly, “ah ! As if I don’t know, Raveesh didn’t allow me to call you, he didn’t want me to bother you, and he also wanted to have a word with us before he talks to you” my mom said, smiling mischievously, and went in to kitchen to get some tea.
This puzzled me, what on Earth would he want to talk to my parents about?, My unasked question was almost immediately answered by my Dad, “Raveesh, and his friends are going for a short trip to Araku, a hill station near Vizag, and he wishes to take you with him, but he wanted to take our approval first before he tells you, just as a caution, in case create havoc at home of we say No”.
I was touched by his thoughtfulness, “so..? ” I asked my Dad, knowing what his answer is going to be, and sure enough, my dad responded, ” he is such a nice, polite and well brought up guy, and he is elder to you, so he can take care of you, so I don’t see why shouldn’t go with him” I was so very happy I gave a hug to dad and thanked him, and gave an extra warm hug to Raveesh, “thank you Jaan,” I whispered in his ear. We planned the entire trip, what is to be packed and what is to be taken etc. He offered to pay for my trip but dad refused, saying he didn’t want him to get burdened on, Raveesh tried to convince him but failed, so my share of money was given.
In the excitement of going on a trip with him, I forgot to ask an important question, which I asked while we were on our way to Railway station, “What made you plan for this trip all of a sudden?”, I asked, his answer caught me by surprise, ” You”, he said ” from quite a few days I was noticing your restlessness and disappointed look about not going out anywhere, so I decided to cheer you up” and looked into my eyes, I was so touched, I wanted to hug him and kiss him, but we were in a public place, so I controlled.
“By the way, the part about my friends joining us is true, I didn’t want people to talk behind our backs for going together alone” he said, although stumped for not having him all for myself, I agreed with his point of view, and was quite impressed with his thought process. At railway station we met his friends, Yogi, Raj, and a dumpy looking guy, with a sullen face, Arijit, I hated him just from the moment I took a look at his stupid face. Raveesh introdued me as his neighbor, a good friend, or more importantly as a Rakhi brother to his wife.
We got into our a.c 3rd class bogie, the minute we sat down Arijit started his row of complaints about office, their boss, the train, the bogie, the people, etc etc I was getting more and more annoyed with this, he noticed my expression, “so, Ravee” he started with his oily voice “what’s with making friends with a child, and bringing him along on a total adult trip like this” , somewhere in the middle of my disgust with the guy started a ripple of anger, ‘child?’, I turned my eyes to Raveesh, but he was not looking at me, he was giving steely looks to Arijit while he answered smoothly, ” I told u Not to have a go at him, he is family’ , turns out that it is a sadiatic habit of Arijit, to mock and torment anyone who is innocent or soft enough who can’t much defend himself, “you picked a wrong one this time to be the soft target of ur torment, you know nothing of me” I thought smiling inwardly, but didn’t say anything out.
“Aah ! I get it, he is soft, cute” he plunged at me all of a sudden, undone a button of my shirt and peeked inside ” and aah.. very smooth too, we can use him in case we can’t find any bitches to fuck with” he started laughing madly, which none of us found amusing. Raveesh made an eye contact with me, the message was clear, don’t raise, it’s not worth it. So I kept quite, despite of having a pain in the bloody neck like Arijit, the journey was still enjoyable, coz rest of us didn’t allow him to have his way.
The next morning we got down at Vizag, and checked into a decent hotel, nearby to the beach, all five of us couldn’t share a single room due to obvious hotel rules, of which I was secretly thankful, but my thoughts of having Raveesh all for myself soon vanished.
That evening we went to beach and enjoyed and returned to hotel with whiskey bottles, and food. That night we drank till 12, till all of us were almost out of control, then I don’t recollect exactly but Arijit made some stupid remark, which enranged me, and we were about to fight, Raveesh and his other friends stopped us, and He pulled me into another room and locked from inside, and stedied me.
His touch sent electricity into my senses, and I somehow managed to gain some of my consious back, ” what is wrong with u” he asked,” it’s not worth to fight with idiots like that” he tried to say more, but I wanted him, right then,. I got to him and started kissing him deeply, he couldn’t stop me, his passion grew too, he started smooching back, our tongues entwined, it was as if we were trying to get merged into one.
Within minutes we were naked, I pushed him a bit away smoothly from me, saying “let me look at you fully”, he remained where I asked him to be, I slowly was taking in every detail if his body with my eyes, Raveesh’sst, beautiful almost airbrushed looking skintone, his lovely dark brown eyes, silly black hair, his lovely smile, and perfectly even white teeth were inviting me in, a pang of sadness hurt my heart, am I worth of this gorgeous man, standing front of me, how can a normal guy like me, deserve an awesome guy like this? He noticed the change in my expression, only when Raveesh’s image was getting blurry i knew that my eyes were filled with tears, he came closer to me, answering the newly raised unasked question in me,.
” I am all yours Kishan, just your’s,
Fuck me, make love to me, beat me, kill me, you own me” he said, With honesty coloring every word, and his eyes were shining with tears, I couldn’t handle any more, I just ran to him, hugged him and smooching and kissing every part of him, he responded with equal vigor, while one question arised in my heart, what can I give this man who loves me so much, who gave his anal virginity to me to prove his love for me, the one who understands my thoughts rather than my words, who got me on a trip just because I was thinking of it and didn’t even tell him about it, the answer was right there.
Read the hot and steamy Indian gay sex story of a horny and wild friendly couple enjoying their romance on a trip together!
I know what I can do now, no matter what. I held him firmly and stedie him at an arms length, looking him directly in the eye, ” jaan! Do you love me so much?” I asked.. ” Yes, very much” he responded”,
“You will do anything I want u to?”
“Will u let me do whatever I want, with u?”
“What if I want to kill you now?”
He walked slowly towards the table, where a small pocket knife was lying, he picked it up, and got it to me,and pressed it in my hands,
“Go ahead ! I am all yours” honest tears were shining in his eyes,
I raises the knife, he didn’t even blink,
It was all like a dramatic movie, I threw the knife aside, and hugged him again, taking his tongue into mine, after sometime, I moved a bit away, .. “let me do what I want to now, and you will do what I want” , he simply nodded,
I kissed him more, sucked his nipples, licked him underarms (which I never did before, and Never will in future)
Slowly got down, kissing his umblic, and knelt down , in front of him, “Kid ” he groaned, understanding what I had in my mind,
” You gave me your word Jaan, u can’t go back now”
“Why are you doing this kid?”
“Coz I want to” is all I answered..
Read the next part here!
Comments and emails are always welcome.
See ya all in next episode, till then Enjoy