Indian Gay Sex Story: My Adorable Darling

Indian Gay Sex Story: My Adorable Darling
Indian Gay Sex Story: Dear Readers,
My name is Varun and I am from Mumbai. I wish to share my real experience and feelings for a guy who stays closeby. This is no imagination or fantasy but a diary of events and moments I have etched in my mind over past several years. However I have given a fantasy twist later on in the story but in reality I am yet in the wait to open up to my suitor. ‘Sai’ is not his real nickname but if he happens to read my story, I have left several clues for him in my selfish hope.
The saga began when I was around 25 yrs. One day after having dinner I stepped out to our corner pan shop as per my daily routine. It had rained that evening and the weather was nice. There was a group of youngsters assembled near the pan shop, generally chit chatting. I did not pay much attention to their fooling around.While enjoying my smoke I happened to see a congregation of land snails and took a photo of theirs on my mobile. As soon as I finished a young boy from the group came to the same spot and investigated what I was looking at. I saw the guy and I dont know what generated my interest in him. He was a simple lad of around 17-18 years, about 5’7″ and lean with wheatish complexion and with no trace of facial hair. He was quite ordinary yet there was something about his facial and body features that made him instantly registered.
Over next few days I learnt that he was still in Junior College in Commerce stream. It used to so happen that we used to be there same time in the afternoon, he having finished his college and me finished my lunch and then also after dinner just before hitting the bed. I used to check him out every time I saw him. He seemed to be a happy go lucky guy, a cool guy among his friend circle. I even got to know his name in few days. By now I had a crush on him. I dont know why but I had a very strong feeling that told me to watch this guy become a very handsome young man in time to come. I did notice that he too was aware about my secretive attention towards him. He was from a lower middle class background but I found him to be a guy with sincerity and good manners. I wanted to make friends with him but due to age difference we hardly seemed to have any common threads to bond apart from my one sided infatuation for him.
A year later, I knew mostly everything about him, his friend circle, his home, his college, etc. His friends used to call him by his nickname which was Sai though I also know his real name. I used to secretively hear his talks with his friends to know more about him. Though he was sincere still he probably was average in studies but was an athelete and would passionately play football and cricket. He had good networking and organisational skills as he would arrange league matches within his circle. His conversations mostly used to be related to sports and biking…a fascination for fast life among today’s younger generation. I generally found him quite intelligent and street smart. Though he was probably the youngest in his friend circle, his friends used to respect him as well as protect and care for him, sometimes bully him too.
I inferred that he wasn’t interested in me rather just inquisitive about why I was showing discreet interest in him. Probably for that reason he too may have tried to know about my background. He probably came to know a few things about me as he would talk on general subjects related to me with his friends which I would take as hints. Yet there was a cold distance between us as neither of us took any initiative to break the ice between us.
One evening these boys were playing football on the road, not a proper game but short distance shoot outs between two groups where each group tries scoring a goal while defending team tries to intercept the ball. As one group couldn’t intercept the ball it passed the goal post line and approached me. I instantaneously tackled the ball and with a couple of moves shot it at the opposite goal line. The opposite group was unable to tackle the ball and it went past the goal. I did notice an appreciative look on Sai’s face something that made me feel proud. Another time, one of his elder friends approached me for a lighter and I handed it over to him and there was a general cordial chat for a minute. Sai who was nearby did not seem to digest the fact that his friend got the opportunity to start a talk with me and not him.
Time passed by and Sai entered senior college for Commerce graduation. He had grown taller to reach a fair height of 5’9″. He had started working out regularly and I could see that he was putting on muscles around his shoulders, chest and hips. He had attained a manly frame, his voice too had transformed from a squeeky teenager’s to an adult voice. His face had grown bigger and wider though had retained its original oblong shape, his facial skin had become rough, facial hair had started growing and his eyebrows had grown thick. His eyes were most beautiful and he had a cleft on his left cheek which made him look more sexier and adorable. I could sense a mesmerising magnetic halo around him.
One day I saw him post his first shave of life, a boy turning into a man. His face had light up, bright and fair and the blue tinge of fresh shave on his face. Oh my, I had kept staring him for a while then, the glow on his face alluring me to no end. I still can recollect that sight after so many years. The feeling that my mind had told me 5 yrs back had now come true. This boy had turned into a very handsome looking young stud as if by one swag from a fairy’s magical wand. By now I was sure that I had sexual interest and love intentions for Sai and hoped that I could have physical and emotional connect with him.
I always fantasised wanting to be in a tight hug with him, kissing him passionately and spending some unforgetful, very intimate time in bed. I wanted him for keeps. So what if he is younger to me. Love is blind and I was okay with the idea of having a younger partner. But hope was just a hope and I dared not go any extra mile to change the status quo.
Entering prime youth and with a noticeable change in a short time, boosted Sai’s confidence, elegance and personality. He had changed his ways..from a boy to a young man which I could notice in his upkeep and dressing. Friends who would bully him earlier stopped it now and would address him with respect. He had become a star amongst his friends. My eyes had noticed all these changes and my love for Sai grew leaps and bonds.
One day, while I was in my balcony, I saw Sai walking with a girl. I observed them closely and nervously l till they passed my radius of vision to be sure of their relationship. I wished and prayed that she were his sister and no one else. The same repeated ocassionally after their college timings. The close walk turned into walking hand in hand which shattered my tender little heart. This guy is Straight and not Gay.
One day they even passed by me and I saw Sai trying to hide his face from me. I cant be sure if it was a guilt of cheating on me (as I thought) on his face or a kind of initial awkwardness of taking out a girl. They used to go to a nearby park and would set my imagination on fire. Instantly, I got very jealous as if I had lost the entire game in which I had invested so many hopes and fantasies of good time together. All of those washed down the drain. Now I could hardly see Sai even with his close friends which would drive me further mad. This Bloody Sai is enjoying all his leisure, spare time with that girl of his.
I would just get a glimpse of him at very long and unpredictable intervals. Everything by now seemed to have been lost. As time passed by I came to terms with my own being..I loved Sai so much that I thought well for him, that if he was a straight guy, it would be good for him and I was willing to sacrifice my love for his heterosexual orientation. But I had a strong craving that atleast once and just that once, I should get the pleasure of having in bed just once. That one time alone would satiate me for my entire life and I would be able to live on the cherishable memory of that most special intimate date.
Time is so is always fluid and changes happen so quickly that one has to quickly accept the situation as a new normal. One day after a really long time I saw him at the corner talking privately to one of his close friend Pravin. He was telling him about his first job and the general excitement involved. I couldnt understand the exact nature of his job as he was describing something about electricals, lighting and sound..but something related to music. He was also describing about commuting by local train and some events, hassles related to it. But I could not figure out which company or place he worked in but was happy that he was in Mumbai itself.
Sai now had a job and a regular routine. Therefore all the day strolls to the Panwala had stopped. Even night visits depended on whether he had spare time out of his job, family and that much envied girl friend of his. I thought if this continued he would soon erase me out of his memory.
As time passed by my office shifted to Parel and the entire routine and sorroundings changed which meant that I could see lesser and lesser of Sai. However he refused to get out of my mind and continued to be my secret lover. A lover whose company would be the accomplishment of me being alive.
Our office had organised a two day function to celebrate its Silver Jubilee of foundation. The function had one day of sports and second day of picnic. Our HR team had hired some Red Spot Event Management Team. I was in my Company’s 7 member cricket team that was to play against another 7 member team from our company itself. So the day arrived and we all reached the ground for our Cricket match. Our company had booked the ground for the day’s events. The event managing company was comparing the entire event. They briefly introduced both the teams while we were getting ready in our sports outfits. Our team won the toss and elected to field. As we were stepping out to field, to my greatest shock I saw Sai among the event team in their black uniform. Wow, this was a God sent opportunity for me and I was not going to let it go. I waved at him and he immediately recognised me and approached me with a broad smile on his face. I asked him out of surprise what he was doing there at our event.
He said he was part of the team managing our event. We generally spoke for few minutes and I said it was surprising to meet and start conversation here though we have noticed each other in our area. He could not agree any less. I introduced myself as Varun which he said he knew while I told him I knew that he was Sai. He corrected me saying his real name was Sunil – the cricketing legend. Glad as we both were. Well he then wished me all the best for the match and in no time the match started. I did some good bowling and fielding and ended my bowling spell at 3-20-3, saved few boundaries and took two catches but dropped one. The winning target for us was 102 in 15 overs.
Now it was our batting innings and I was supposed to go 2 down so I was sitting in the stands cheering my team with other colleagues. Sai came and sat besides me and we started talking. We generally asked about each other, family, jobs, hobbies, etc. His office was very close to ours. I even mentioned to my colleagues that Sai was from my locality itself and we met almost everyday. In no time, we were like thick friends and exchanged numbers. He said that we should catch up often in the locality and that was what I wished too. I got this very hearty gift and our team went on to win the match too. After the match I offered Sai lift back home and dropped him near his residence. This was one eventful day in my life. I thanked God that though late he had opened up one chance window.
The next day was a picnic organised by the event people who were to take us to Aarey Beach early in the morning. I casually called Sai and enquired if he was coming with me. But he was already at his office and was going to join us directly at the bus stop. This was another eventful day when we colleagues bonded with each other over fun and frolic on the beach, beach games, gossips and conversations and meals. Sai participated with us in everything and in no time he became an instant hit amongst us all. My colleagues were impressed by his sporting skills, jovial nature and cheered him heartily and even mentioned to me about him. My company was very happy with the arrangements made by the Event management company and their staff especially Sai.
It was the immediate Friday when I got a call from Sai. He generally asked me if I were free in the evening to meetup. I jokingly asked him what was the special ocassion. He just asked me to catch up over a drink if I was fine. I agreed and thanked him for the invitation. So that evening..we were going to meet in to one for the first time. I was super duper exited as this invitation had come from my crush. I thought and thought whether and how I could open my heart to him. At one point I decided to tell him directly about my feelings then changed my mind to go diplomatic and leave substancial clues instead. But overall I remained undecided.
At 8 pm we met at a decent bar in our locality..not very lavish but decent – the one of the kind for a casual everyday drink. We talked and talked as if to compensate for the so many years of silent appreciations. We just drank our hearts that evening…one, two, three……till I lost count until the bill arrived. He was bit dizzy while I was on Cloud Nine. I dont remember when we paid the bill, no he insisted to pay and recall him telling me that it was his small gesture of appreciation as he and his team got a good perk post our event owing to great appreciation and feedback from our Company. Next day I was told my company had signed a 2 year advertising and event contract with them. Nevertheless, I don’t remember when we exited and hit the road or when I reached my home but I vividly remember telling him that I always appreciated him since past many years and closely observed him silently and that I knew that he would be a star when he grew older which he had now become.
I dont know whether I gathered my guts or whether it was the high spirits, I told him that the feelings I had for him were of love..and had a craving for him. I justified it by saying it was a very natural feeling and fantasised having him as my partner or rather as my boyfriend. For me it was the same as a heterosexual relationship and that I was not feeling guilty confessing it nor talking trash under the influence of alcohol. I also told him that I spoke my heart and asked him not to misunderstand me. I probably ended the conversation at that but surely with a tight kiss on his cheeks exactly on the sexiest cleft. This was the reason why I could not come out directly to him before for the fear of rejection.
Read the romantic Indian gay sex story of a guy’s sweet crush on his childhood friend that went on to become something much more!
I dont know what happened next. I woke up late the next day. I sat in the bed for a longtime thinking the flow of the events. Instead of feeling guilty of having blurted out after getting drunk, I was feeling overjoyed of having shared my mind with him. Now whatever be the fallout, my mind had become lighter.
Sunday evening I got a strange confirmatory phone call saying “Come, Let’s meetup for a drink !! “.
Dedicated to my secret lover Sai ahh H.