Gay Porn Story of a Desi Groom’s Seduction: 5

Gay Porn Story of a Desi Groom's Seduction: 5

Gay Porn Story: His guys, I am back with the final part of the story. Thank you for all your emails, comments and wishes

So as you remember, Varun and I were in bed and he had my cock in his mouth. Up and down he was going on it, his tongue twisting around it, teasing it. “Ummm” I groaned, tried to break free from his grip, to do something to him, to give some pleasure back to him.

Read from the beginning here!

But to no avail, he was unbelievably tough, he continued pleasuring me up, then he turned his attention to my balls, licking and sucking them and then moving to my cock all over again. “Oh gosh” I murmured, I was on the verge to cum. I said the same thing to him so that he can move away, but he neither moved nor stopped, and continued sucking it, and with one final deep suck, I blew my load into his mouth.

He slowed down sucking, but didn’t move away, he continued till the last drop of my cum was down his throat.

Then he moved away and went to freshen up. While I still was lying down in bed, trying to recover my composure. He returned, I was not sure if it was my tired eyes that were tricking me, or his eyes were wet with tears. I slowly crept out of bed and washed my self up thoroughly. By the time I came out, he was lying on his stomach.

He was covered in a pale blue blanket, till his waist, above which his fair flawless skin was gleaming. His Face was turned sideways, eyes closed, while the slight breeze was playing with the hair which fell on his forehead. It was so calming to see him sleep like that, so peaceful, so tender, and so innocent. I couldn’t control my love for him.

I just crept back to his side, planted a delicate kiss on his forehead and ruffled his hair, he didn’t open his eyes but smiled peacefully. I was overwhelmed, I smoothly moved to his lips, kissing them delicately. It was an amazing feeling, not lust, just pure divine love. We remained in each other’s embrace in a deep kiss, for a very long time. Then desire for each other started taking control, we continued kissing while I moved above him, and he entwined me with his legs.

Within minutes, I was in him, he started pressing himself into me, as if he wanted me to get into him complete, while I was thirsting for more, I maintained deep thrusts, yet not breaking the kiss, he was hugging me as if he was clinging to life. With one final push, I was all inside him, wetting his insides completely.

We stopped smooching, and I looked into his eyes. His eyes were again welled up, I was worried if it has been too painful to him, but he assured that he enjoyed it and was not in pain. Our eyes were still locked and I was still in him. He lifted his head a little and kissed me on my lips, just that touch made me, overwhelmed.

Only then I realized that my eyes were wet too. “I wish we could
” he said, and stopped through the mid sentence, “I know
so do I,” I said, understanding what he was about to say, and kissed him deeply.

I don’t remember how many more times we made love to each other that night, after which we fell into exhausted sleep. The next morning by the time I woke up, he was already freshened up. He was in his black short and a sleeveless, which was making him look more desirable than ever. “Good morning darling!”

I said lazily, getting up from the bed, he didn’t respond, he just looked at me, I didn’t think much about it, just went into bathroom and freshened up, only after I came out I realized that he didn’t move from his place. Concerned, I went to him, bent his head towards me and kissed on his forehead.

Immediately he broke his stillness and hugged me, I realized that there is something wrong, I pulled apart and looked into his eyes, “Varun, what?” I asked, “I wish we could be together forever and more,” he said, his voice was full of sadness, ” I wish the same too dear, and I am sure we will be, just because you got married

I was about to say when he stopped me, “This has nothing to do with my being married.” he said, “It’s just that I am going away, maybe we will never meet again.” I thought he was teasing me, but no, he told me the truth.

In short, he applied for permanent residence in Canada before his marriage, and he got it, and he was supposed to be leaving ASAP, they waited until after his marriage so that he can fly with his wife, and the day was just after a week from then. I was totally out of words.

He hugged me, kissed me and we both did cry, but in the end, there was no stopping this. The week passed in a haze, although we did meet as frequently as possible to make sure we get time and love as Much as possible with each other.

The day of his departure came, that day, we made love for one last time. I went along with him to the airport, (so were a few other friends of his, so no one particularly noted my presence or thought anything about it) he sat next to me, holding my hand whenever possible.

The time was coming closer for his check-in, he suddenly hurried to the washroom, giving a meaningful look at me, I went in after a couple of minutes. He was ready waiting for me, thankfully there was no one there, he grabbed me and hugged me tightly, we smooched deeply as if drinking each other as if we wanted to melt into each other.

Then he said tearfully “I won’t be keeping in touch with you once after I am gone.” I looked at him, and I understood why I mutely nodded. “Be happy my love, take care, have a wonderful life, wish we could be together, but our fate separates us” he said, violently shaking with grief.

I realized I was crying too. Finally, I found my voice “Be safe and be happy, I will treasure these 10 days in my heart till my last breath” I told him. We hugged again and kissed. We went out separately so that no one doubts us.

The check-in time has finally come. He hugged every one of his relatives and friends, and finally came to me, we hugged one last time, “I love you a lot Kishan, if I ever return to India I will find you, till then Goodbye, take care, try not to forget me.” he whispered in my ear, and secretly pressed a tightly sealed cover in my hands.

“Read it once you reach home,” he said, and he walked towards the check-in counter and turned to look at me, and I looked into his lovely warm eyes for one last time, and then he and his wife crossed the barrier. I looked at him until they disappeared.

I came home in a separate cab, unable to be with his friends and control my grief. I cried the entire way back home silently. I Reached home, and went into my room, it was past midnight, and everyone was asleep. I went into my room and closed the door behind me and turned the light on.

It took all my courage and strength to open the cover he gave me. When I opened, it had an elaborate 5 paged handwritten letter In a tidy elegant scrawl, content of which I don’t want to share. There was also a small golden brown page, on which the following words were written.

Gay porn story of a romantic interlude coming to an end!

“Krishna, I can’t ask you to not to cry, ‘coz by the time you read this letter, I will be crying too, (maybe inwardly,). The days I’ve spent with you were the most wonderful days of my life. I will never forget them till the day I die. You are a lovely person, only, I am not fortunate enough to spend more time with you.

You are an awesome lover anyone can wish for. If my words matter to you, I can only say one thing, don’t bind yourself to just gay self, this is part of life, not entire life in itself, get married, make kids live a very long Happy and healthy life.

Until we meet again
 Goodbye. God bless you. With lots and lots of love

P.s: I may not be in contact with you, but I will never forget you, in my heart, you are my lover forever.


So there ends that short-lived love story of me. It was a short time but gave me memories for a lifetime. Hope you liked my story. As usual, comments, and emails are always welcome.

