Indian Gay Porn Story of Wild Encounter with Boss: 4

Indian Gay Porn Story: Kaushik and I last got together in 2018. He confessed his love for me, and things continued to be the same. We got back to Bangalore and work was a bitch. The text, the calls got less frequent and I retracted into my own shell.
I flew to Singapore on business, started starting at an AirBnB. That was when the Covid hit and all flights back to India were grounded. After a week of staying at home , I went out to get essentials. It was a fine morning, and the sun crept out of the sky among the Singapore skyline.
I took a photo and posted it as my WhatsApp status.
Within an hour my phone beeped. Was a text from Kaushik -“Hey! You in Singapore ?”
My lips curved into the biggest smile ever. “Yes” !! I replied. Then came a call immediately- Kaushik said he had come to visit his cousins and the lockdown had forced him to get stuck in Singapore.
We made plans- the only one was to invite him home, as all the restaurants had closed.
It was a rainy Friday evening. There is always a nice, warm feeling when it rains in Singapore. The sun had set and there was a scent of freshness.!
At 7 pm the doorbell rang. Kaushik had come. He had a bottle of wine and a large suitcase. I was confused.
“I was bugged staying with my cousins, could I crash here for a few days?”
“Sure, come in” I said.
I asked him what he’d like to eat for dinner. We decided on Daal, Rice and Aloo Gobi ( typically Indian)
As I started dinner prep, K poured us wine and we began catching up on what we had lost.
Kaushik didn’t bring up anything nor did I.
I was pretty high on the wine. We ate our dinner and then decided to hit the sack.
I told K he could use my bed and I’d sleep on the couch. He agreed and we went to bed.
I did sleep disappointed.
The next morning, I woke early, showered and walked to get my clothes with a towel wrapped around my waist. K was still asleep in my room. I took my clothes and walked out of the room, got back into the bathroom and began moisturising myself.
Out of no where he came from the behind and held me.
Bare chested and full of fur, I could feel his warm fur on me. It was magical. The warmth of Kaushik made me tremble. Rubbing his honey sweet, pink lips on my neck, he slowly nibbles on my left ear lobe and said. “ I’ve missed you love!”
My heart was thumping faster than a sonic jet. All I could say was “ummmmm”
He turned me around, I now was in his arms, his body close to me and he looked me into the eye.
“I love you and I’ve missed you,” said Kaushik. I smiled and he began kissing me. Kissing me like never before.! He nibbles on my lips, biting them gently as he pulled me closer.
We now began smooching with a lot a intensity. I wrapped my hands around his strong back and put one foot across his body, he pushed me against the sink, lifted me slightly and began biting my neck.
All I could do was moan in pleasure.!
By now he was rock hard. The flag had to be hoisted.
I gave him the naughty look, and he knew what was coming his way. We made way to my bedroom, standing against the bed, I pushed him down, made myself on K and began smooching him- K made his hands on my back and grabbed my bum and pulled me closer intensifying the smooches.
Brushing my lips on his body I made him moan!
Each part of his torso was a pleasure to suck, from the soft nipples to his belly button, I explored it all!!!
Going further down I reached for my favourite part. Kaushik’s hard dick. Sweet pink and 6.5 inches long. Full of yummy pre cum and love.
I put my mouth into it and he moaned. It was romantic and sexy at the same time. Starting with the head I began going deep down on him with each blowjob.
Indian gay porn story of hooking up again with the boss
I lay in between his legs and looking at his expressions. It was more than lust.
He pulled me up, rolled me onto my side and came on top of me.
Oh the pleasure of our dicks touching and him rubbing his body on me was divine. It was an experience I can’t justify typing. It sent chills down my spine
Kissing me deeply , Kaushik entered me. All bare and wet I could feel him. He began thrusting himself into me.He kept looking into my eyes, and stoking my dick with his hands. He came inside me and I on his hands and body . He pulled out wrapped himself on me.
A sweet kiss sealed our 2 year separation.
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