Kinky first fuck story of a man with a hot daddy: 1

Horny young man gets sucked off by gay daddy

Kinky first fuck story: Hi, This is my first ever story so pardon me if I say something wrong.  Before moving on, I would like to tell you all about myself. I’m 22 and from Lucknow. 
Physically, I’m 5’11 and skinnyish I would assume.

Continuing, It is an experience of last year. I was 21 and in my hometown (Lucknow) for my semester break. 

I’ve been in my hometown for almost a week and I was getting really horny because with all the free time, there’s nothing on your mind except sex, right? 

I used to watch porn all day and think about having sex. Now if you’ll meet me in person, you’ll probably consider me a vanilla person. But that’s really not the case. 

I installed this dating app (I’m pretty sure you all would have guessed it’s name by now). I’m very familiar about the dating scene from this app. I have been using it since I was 15 but I haven’t really met someone. 

I was always one-guy kind of a person but this time, I just could’nt resist. So I put up all my details and after a while I got a few stereotypical messages (as usual). 

I was really hoping to have an interesting conversation so I put up an intriguing bio and hope someone intellectual would notice. And this one blank profile DID. 

He texted me in response to my bio and I immediately knew that he’s the kind of a person I would hang around with. 

We talked for a while without sharing any personal details. 

Next day, I decided to talk him on WhatsApp. He introduced himself, he was 40, divorced. And just for privacy let’s assume his name was Mr.X.
He didn’t really send me his picture and neither did he ask mine.

I guess he was also looking for someone to just vibe with. When I saved his contact, I got to see his handsome face. God, he was so fucking handsome.

He was one those guys, women would settle with, and gays would have an affair with. Something about him was so mysterious, in his face. 

He had deep black eyes. He had thick beard. 
I’ve always loved men with beard. His body, I could literally see his nipples from his tight crimson shirt, his biceps, and his chest. I was drooling over him and thought to myself  “Men do age like fine wine.”

After I saw him, I got this sudden sense of reality that this won’t happen because he was too handsome for me. 

We talked for a while, and after that I started ignoring him because I didn’t want to fall for someone that hot, right? 

Two days passed, we had very minimal conversations during that time. Then he called me from an alternate number. I picked up and he said “Remember me?”. I responded “No”.

He told me his name, I said “Okay” and then I disconnected the call, saying I’ll call you later. 

Oh god, you must be thinking I’m such a miserable person, and I kind of am. I’m so shy and nervous to be with new people. 

And I’ve had such experiences before and as much as I was horny, I was stopping myself from being a random man’s sex doll. 

He texts me, “What happened”. I said “Nothing”. I wanted to meet him, really. But I was more scared of what if doesn’t like me? 

But I was also super horny and I was going all YOLO in my mind. I agreed to his invitation, and I went to his house. 

I told my parents I’m going to meet a friend and wont be home by 11pm.

I reached his house, and rang the bell. While I was waiting for an answer there were a thousand different things on my mind. 

I was so nervous. He opened the door and I saw him, everything stopped for a second. I know you all must be thinking What kind of a bollywood bullshit is this? 

But he was really gorgeous. He was wearing just his black vest and black shorts. 

This is the thing that has always turned me so on, men look so hot even without putting any efforts. This dude was literally in his home-clothes and still looked handsomer than ever.
He invited me in, offered me water and asked me to make myself comfortable. He told me I looked cute. I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

We started to talk, we talked a lot, we talked about our lives, what we like about men, a few movies and games. He was a really interesting person with variety of anecdotes. 
During those conversations I was also glazing at him trying not to make it obvious. 

I could see his cleavage, his tight chest and minimal hair on them. One time he lifted his arm, and I saw his hairy armpit. I imagined how it would smell like. Of testosterones, probably. 

He sat next to me, with his one arm on the backrest of the couch. 

After talking a lot, and when he sensed I was comfortable enough, he came close to me. He asked me if he can kiss me on the cheek. I agreed to it. 

He came closer, he sniffed my neck and gently released his breath on it. Wow it felt like my whole body was operating on high volt of electricity. He kissed me on the cheek and then pulled back. 

While I was trying to fight the dilemma of whether I should kiss him him back and let him take the total control, he came really close to me upto a point where there was no space between us. 

He put his hand on my neck and kissed me passionately on the lips. I felt electricity run through it. My heart was beating so fast. 

He kept on kissing me, I kept on reciprocating.  He would pull his tongue out and I would kiss that. 

He held me up, and lay me down on the couch, then came on top of me. I felt so submitted. He was humping me, while passionately kissing me everywhere.

He unbuttoned by shirt and kissed my nipples, bit them even. I moaned in pleasure. 
He removed my shirt and caressed my whole body with his tongue. 

He unbuttoned my jeans, and removed it. 
I was so hard, and this man had no mercy. He was licking my dick from above the underwear. 

He removed my underwear and kissed my dick, then started kissing on my balls. Oh god, I was in pure pleasure and wanted him to suck my dick. 

He held my dick and put it in his mouth, balls deep without even gagging. I was 7 inches and this man didn’t even gag, that’s when I knew it wasn’t his first time sucking a cock. That made me even more horny, a 40 year old hot stud, on your cock. 

Kinky first fuck story of fun with hot daddy

He kept on sucking it and God I was hoping he would stop after a while because I wanted to please him too, I tried to push him away but he kept on sucking it.

After a while I told him that I’ll cum inside you if you don’t stop. He didn’t even bother, I was so hard and I couldn’t resist it. It felt my balls would explode because they became so tight cause I was super turned on.

After 10 or 15 minutes of getting sucked, I knew I was close to cumming. 

I came inside his mouth and he finally stopped, came to me and spit my cum on my lips, then started kissing me. 

I was never a fan of tasting my own cum, but this man was worth it. He forced fed me, spat inside me while kissing. 

To be continued…
