Cops gay story of wild and crazy fantasy sex: 3

Kinky fun story: My whole mouth was covered and I saw him prajwal arranging bonfire sticks around me and baba was getting ready to do some puja.
I started to move he saw and came towards me.
“Don’t move too much or else you will get hurt.” He said.
I started to move even more than before.
“I said don’t move. And slapped me.Haha, don’t move.” He said laughing cynically.
“Open the covers on her mouth,” baba said.
And he opens the cover on my mouth.
“I will not leave you both bastards I will kill you both.”
Aye, don’t shout much. I know you are a police officer that’s why you are not shouting for help.
All those women I have killed have always asked for mercy but you won’t and I am glad that you won’t. A strong woman means the whole pooja and it’s results will come quick.
Who the hell are you guys?
A cynical laugh erupted from both of them I am the Atma said the baba and he is my body and pointed it at Prajwal.
You know who will come after I give your offering to the god?
What offering what are you guys doing? We are giving you as an offering and then I will get Pranavi back to me. Said Prajwal.
Who is pranavi?
You want to meet Pranavi. Wait My Swamy, please come and welcome pranavi.
Okay I am coming with you.
I need to do something but I need evidence too. Then an Idea struck to me.
Hey siri call Hubby.
Calling Hubby.
Vikram picked the phone.
Vikram Vikram, please listen to me.
Hey, Parvati where the hell are you? I was trying to reach you but it didn’t connect.
I am somewhere I don’t know listen the killers have caught me but I don’t know what’s their plan yet. Connect my call to Headquarters and trace my location and record my call.
Okay, I am there for you I am coming to you. He connected the call to Headquaters.
Hey, Mr. Commissioner I am trapped somewhere I don’t know but please consider this whole conversation as my last conversation cause the Bonfire has started in front of me. This recording is an evidence and they are starting a pooja now.
I heard the sound of some anklets approaching me. I saw a womanly figure with the Babaji coming towards me.
Hi, I am Pranavi.
That saree it’s from Shalini’s
Yes yes that’s Shalini’s dress looks nice right.
But who are you and where is Prajwal?
They both started to laugh. I am prajwal and also Pranavi.
What yes not fully but after this my wife will come down to earth and become fully pranavi.
Baba Ji said.
What you guys give young women as offering to get your body transformed into a woman. I said looking at prajwal
Yes every year at this day and right after, 8 minutes I.e. 10:10 P.M., if I give an offering to the devi maa, she will grant me a wish.
So you killed all of those two men for that reason?
Yes Burned their Heads.
You are a pyscho
Hey shuuu Chichi
I am not a pyscho
I am pranavi.
Chi no one does it.
Chi haha even my father used to say me, Chi. You know what I did to him. I killed him with my own hands.
When I was a child my dad was a boxer. He too wanted me to become one but I never wanted it. He thought the ring would change me. But no I always wanted to become Pranavi.
He used to beat me made me starve without food for days together. But how much he torchered me I got close to me being pranavi.
Everyone in the league would do all sorts of dirty things to me.
And one night when I told myself it’s enough I killed him in sleep and ran away from all of them.
Then I meet my Swamy Ji. He guided me ways to become a woman and he directed me to become a wife for him.
And said if you give 3 offering at this Mahurath then I will become pranavi for my whole life.
No Pranavi don’t do this. This guy is Misleading you.
Shut up you see my gait how I walk and talk all of this belongs to a woman who is just like you.
What kind of cop are you? You don’t know what will happen if you keep looking for me.
Hehe, I know everything. You pick women who have dogs and work late till night and target them.
You go to them as Dog Caretaker and then use this dhuni to make them senseless and bringer to kill them. And then kill them.
Oh wow you know everything huh.
Let me tell you one more thing This pooja will not give you any fruits.
Why? Aren’t you a woman, Baba Ji asked
He is using you to escape from all the crimes you can’t become a woman by offering any woman. And I am not even a woman.
“What are you talking?” said Pranavi.”Don’t play games now you knew that you are gonna die you started playing games huh?”
Come check me if you want to do it? I said to Pranavi.
She looked at the baba and he signaled her to check. She came forward and touched my boobs which were perky due to the oils I used. “you are so soft you can’t be male?”
You have not yet touched my most important part yet. And his hands made way to my dick and as she kept her hand there she felt my package. Her eyes grew wide and she opened my skirt and saw the package naked. My soft dick and balls apperead to her.
No, She shouted and stepped back.
How is this even possible? Pranavi asked
“This possible we are called as cross dressers.
Meaning a male who like to be a girl in his male avatar. And if you feel like to make physical changes then you can go through an operation and change yourself.” I said.
“Shut up you bastard,” Baba shouted.
Swami please forgive me I …
Shut up you cunt. I was trying to make this pooja since 3 years and now at the last moment you make this havoc.
Please forgive me , Pranavi started to cry and kneeled down in begging manner.
You thought this pooja was for you. You fucking stupid fellow I always wanted to become rich and I lernt about this ritual to the demon in black magic.
But I found no one to execute it. And out of nowhere you appeared. And I found you useful for executing my plan and that’s how these murders started to erupt.
You were such a naïve little fellow. I used you for my own pleasure and purpose.
Shocked to hear all of this Pranavi started to cry. And to her surprise now baba ji also pointed a gun at her.
“I will kill you both Dumb cunts”, Said Baba ji.
You think we guys are just crazy don’t you. “With what hand do you write Mr. baba?”, I asked
“From my left hand”, he replied.
“but right hand is normal right. Many people even consider to not use left hand in pooja’s too.”I said.
“Huh but I am a left hand man so I always use it. And its natural”, he replied.
Just like you we too have it naturally in our DNA. It comes by nature. Even Lord Vishnu had incarnated in as a Mohini. And you think we are different. We like being a woman and take care of our body like a lady.
It’s just like natural.
Hmm it makes sense but its of no use to me. I need to go now after finishing you. He said.
“What the hurry Mr. baba.?”, said Vikram. With a gun in hand and aimed at the baba ji’s head.
He tried to move. Don’t try you are surrounded by police. Said Vikram.
And that baba didn’t even move.
After arresting them. He opened all of my ties and hugged me. Thank You Vikram Thank you.
“Chup it was my duty to save you my tigresses.” He said and hugged me.
Look I have a surprise for you. And when I looked infront of me my dad was standing.
I went near him I said.”sorry dad but..”
He hugged ,”I am sorry beta I am really very sorry for not understanding you since the beginning.” He started to cry.
“No papa please don’t cry Its okay now you know that right”, I said.
He cleared his eyes and throat looked towards his team and said,” Team I have been hating her since the day she had come out. But now I know what it for her being a girl.
And I am happy to announce that I have accepted her as my daughter and now I present you my girl and my daughter that is born through me and brought all of this 3 years of the case to an end. And I am proud of her”
“ Huh what is the greatness sir I am not the culprit. I don’t know what to call him/her but he killed them.” Baba Said.
“ You are a fool you don’t have an idea how we found you? She used her phone to call us and what ever you have said is been recorded and we found you through signal tracing.” Mr. Commissioner has said.
Dad I need to tell everyone one thing. I went directly towards Vikram and I caught his hand anf brought him near my dad.
Dad I love Vikram. He is the most important person to me after you. I am planning to marry him.
My dad looked at him and said,” if you make her cry you are as good as dead my boy. I know you guys are in live-in but I insist of marriage very soon.”
Yes sir. Vikram said.and the whole crew broke into laughter.
I went near Pranavi,” what you did might have been manipulated acts but the thing is that you did wrong things but don’t worry I will be there for you when you come out of the jail.”
With watery eyes Pranavi hugged me hard.
Later that night, Vikram and I, we got ready for bed ourselves.
I stripped down to my briefs and pulled down the covers. Vikram came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to him.
“Thank you, baby,” he whispered in my ear.
“For what?”
“For being brave and choosing me as your hubby”
I turned around and faced him. I put my hands on his furry chest.
“Hush, I had to be brave a long time ago and you are and will be my hubby till the end.”
“I know that you will do it.”
Before I could respond, he pressed his lips against me and kissed me hard. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I moaned and let him explore me. He moved down to my neck and kissed and licked and bit and sucked.
I ran my hand over his short hair as my body shuddered. His hand moved down to my ass. He slipped them inside my Panty and squeezed and kneaded my cheeks.
He kissed my fluffy chest and flicked his tongue around each of my nipples. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. My dick throbbed in my Panty as he moved further down.
He kissed my stomach and I moaned and rubbed his head. He planted little kisses on my stomach as he took my hands in his. I felt him pull away slightly for a second and then he was back. I felt him slide something onto my left ring finger.
I opened my eyes looked down at him. He was on one knee in front of me, holding my hand in his. He had slid a platinum wedding band onto my finger. He looked up at me, that look of love in his glistening black eyes.
Okay, Priya listen last time I couldn’t do it properly so now please let me do it properly. So, I guess I will just come out and say it. Priya, will you marry me?”
Yes, Vikram I’ll marry you.
I dropped to my knees and hugged him. We held on to each other tight as tears of joy spilled from our eyes.
“I need to get you a ring, too,” I sniffled.
“I bought a matching set.”
He reached under the mattress and felt around and pulled out another ring. I took it and slid it onto his ring finger.
“Vikram Bhaghat, will you marry me?”
He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. He pulled me up to my feet and pushed me back onto the bed.
Vikram pulled my Panty off and tossed them behind him. He quickly pushed down his boxers and moved back between my legs. I ran my hands up his hairy body.
He’s lost a few more kgs over the year and his arms and chest are more muscular, but he’s still a big guy. And I love his big, furry body.
I looked up into his eyes and pleaded for him. “You make me so hard, Vikram,” I whispered. “I want you so bad.”
“I love when you look at me like that. I can see how much you love me.”
Vikram’s head slid down my body. He licked and kissed all over my dick. I moaned and pushed my hips up.
“Suck me, Vikram. Please.”
As he took me into his mouth, two of his lubed fingers penetrated me and I cried out in pleasure. Vikram’s left hand moved up to my mouth. He pushed two of his fingers into my mouth to keep me quiet and I sucked on them and moaned softly.
I gripped the sheets and my body trembled as Vikram worked my front and back. He knew exactly what to do to give me the maximum amount of pleasure.
Suddenly, he pulled away from me and climbed up on top of me.
“I need to fuck you now, baby.”
“Oh god, yes, Vikram.”
I pulled my legs back and locked them around his hips. His cock was already slick with lubricant and he pushed into my body nice and slow until he was buried completely inside.
He looked down at me and I brought my hand up to his bearded face. He closed his eyes and leaned into my hand as I stroked the prickly whiskers.
“I love you, Vikram.”
I brought my hands down to his soft waist and urge him to move. Vikram opened his eyes and looked down at me. His Black eyes stared into my soul as he began thrusting in and out in a slow steady rhythm.
“Feels good, Vikram.”
“You’re so tight, baby. So fucking tight…”
Vikram made love to me nice and slow. He sbuilds build up our climaxes, getting us closer and closer.
I bit my bottom lip and looked up at Vikram, pleading for him to make me come.
My back arched and my eyes rolled back into my head as my body contracted and released.
“Oh god,” I whimpered. “Coming, Vikram…”
My ass contracted with every spurt of come.
Vikram groaned and rode me harder and faster and then pushed into me with a loud groan.
“I’m com– Oh! Fuck!” Vikram cried out as he unleashed a torrent of hot semen deep into my bowels.
Kinky fun story of a hot and horny dramatic fuck
I trembled beneath him and I stroked my hands up and down his body as I came down from the high of my orgasm. Vikram let his weighty body settle onto me and he slowly stroked my hair and my face.
He finally rolled over onto his back and pulled me to him. I cuddled up to him and we kissed slowly and sensually.
He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it and then rested it on his chest.
“Love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.”
I looked at him with complete love and adoration in my hazel eyes and I saw that same look reflected in his.