School boys story of a crazy first fuck in toilet

School gay boys fucking hard at 18 years of age

School boys story: This is the story when I was in my school and I understood my orientation. I was a chubby boy with good looking face and male boobs ЁЯШЙ. My name is Varun.

Roll no 1 of our class was Abhi and we were good friends. One day my class teacher thought to change the seating arrangement of our class. And according to the new seating arrangement, Abhi and I became bench partners. We both were cool.

I was also chill and Abhi was chill. Every thing was going fine when one day suddenly he pressed my boobs and made fun of me and ran away.

It was a general fun for him but that gave a sort of orgasam to me. I don’t know what to do but then I started checking out on abhi.

It was history period and I brought the history book but I pretended that I have missed out the book in my home and asked the teacher if I could shift my bench and I and Abhi could sit together for the class. The teacher agreed.

As the class class continued, abhi started pressing my boobs with good intensity. I was in 7th heaven. I was not sure but wanted to give a try how abhi reacts if I pressed his dick.

I grabbed his dick from the top of the uniform. And I could feel the hard cock. It was like a monster. I started feeling his dick. I told abhi that if he will not leave my boobs then I will not leave his dick.

He told that he didn’t have any problem and he still pressed my boobs. I also grabbed his dick and started playing with it. The period was over and I returned back to my place.

We were sitting in rotation in our school and the next day we both sit on the last bench. In the physics class, I again shifted my bench and sat with him and this time I didn’t brought my book.

He again started pressing my boobs and this time I opened his pants chain and touched his dick from inside. This time he also got orgasam I think.

I played with his dick touched it and pressed it and he pressed my boobs. The physics class was going to end and at the end of the class he told me to meet in the toilet as next class was games class.

I told ok and my heart started to beat fast.

He moved fast as he was an athlete and ran for the games period and I went to the toilet. But didn’t find anyone, I thought he was joking about this. I was about to leave.

Then he came all of a sudden alone also told me to come with me. Butterflies started running in my stomach. My toilet had a small room which was empty. He went in the room and grabbed me inside the room.

He then opened my button of the shirt and started sucking my boobs and pressing my boobs hardly. I’m a gora baccha. He made my boobs red and then started kissing me and did lip lock for 5 mins.

After which he told me to open his pants and touch his dick like I used to do it in the classroom. I opened the belt and put down his underwear and was shocked to see the big monster.

I grabbed it and he urged me to take in my mouth. I told him no. He then told me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth. He caught my head and pulled his dick inside my mouth. And mouth fucked me for 1 min and then I was about to vomit so I pushed him back.

School boys story of a crazy and wild fucking session

He then told that he will fuck me. I said no. He then requested and told not to take tensions as I will not get pregnant ЁЯШВ. He suddenly opened my pant and pulled his dick inside me.

And fucked me for 2-3 min and I was in hell lot of pain. I moved him back. He cummed out and then pressed my boobs and we wore our clothes and went from there.

After that incident we frequently met in toilet and in games and breaks and he fucked me again and again.
