Indian Gay Sex Story: A Passionate Reunion: 6

Indian Gay Sex Story: A Passionate Reunion: 6

Indian Gay Sex Story: After getting a few hour’s sleep, the sun shone and I woke up. As I struggled to get out of the bed, I realised that Rayan had his hands around my chest and one of his legs dug deep between mine, pinning me right there in my place and his dick pushed right onto my ass. I could feel the girth of his tasty juicy dick on me.

Read from the beginning here!

As I fiddled to let his hands loose, I heard footsteps! Seeing me and Rayan naked would give Rishabh a very wrong idea, well right on the money this time. But I had to get out of the bed ASAP. The footsteps came closer and closer, I looked at the door and saw a tall figure coming in.. It was Niraj and I let our a sigh of relief.

Niraj was basically naked, he had no shirt or vest on, no pants, just a tight black underwear just barely holding his big dick and his juicy balls . He softly flexed his chest muscles as the water from his wet showered head dripped on it.

Holding his coffee mug, stirring it slowly with a wide smile on his face as he looked at me, he came closer to me. Niraj stood right in front of the bed post and bended over, kept his coffee mug on the table and reached for my ass with his hand.

He grabbed it tightly and slid his finger on my asshole, circled it smoothly and he softly whispered, “So, did this little hole get satisfied last night?”

My eyes widened as it became clear that Niraj knew Rayan would fuck me in the night, entirely why Niraj told Rayan everything about me in the first place. I opened my mouth but before I could even say anything, Niraj immediately pushed his finger into my asshole and his other hand on my mouth, muffling my painful squeaks.

Looking right at me, he laughed softly and said, “Get ready fast, we have stuff to do. Also, wake up Rayan too, and you know how to do that.” as he left.

As angry and confused I was at the moment, I could NEVER disobey Niraj. So, I grabbed Rayan’s hands, let myself go and I sat up on the bed, right beside him. I averted my gaze to his dick, the thick, very thick dick laying on his thigh as it slept.

I dogged to his dick on my fours and bended over, swooped his dick right into my mouth and started to suck on it. I circled his dick with my tongue inside my mouth and I could feel it growing.

While sucking it and caressing it with my hands, I felt Rayan move and I looked up at him, still with his dick in me. He was starting to wake up and after he did, he saw me and with a smile on his face he said, “Damn bitch, you are good at your job.” With a massive sense of pride, I went back to sucking him again.

I shifted between his balls and dick over and over, as I carressed it and fondled it, sucked it and gagged on his big thick dick.

Rayan lay on the bed, enjoying the morning blowjob he got from his slut, as is his right. A few minutes later, Rayan swiftly bought his hand on my head, pushed it right on his dick and I felt a warm stream of his golden cum fill my throat.

I sat up, swallowed all of his cum and bended over again to lick off the last bit of cum from his dick. I looked at him and said, “Thank you for the breakfast in bed!” We both laughed, Rayan got up and left the room buck naked. I gotta tell you, these men just love showing off their big dicks, but again, sluts like me love every bit of the scene.

I decided to take a shower and hence, I went in to.

The bathroom was small and looked pretty with a glass shower in it. I entered, turned on the shower and hot water gushed out. As I was getting comfy in the water, I heard the door open. Unable to make out who it was, I looked hard but all the steam in the shower really made it difficult.

I was expecting the man to be Niraj as I craved his dick for the longest time..

Indian gay sex story of horny Rishu getting banged by Rayan again!

The figure came closer and I started to make out the muscles and the big deltoids. But then it struck me, “Niraj took a bath earlier already!! Then who was this? Rayan? But he doesn’t have such a built body..”

Then it dawned on me. Before I could do anything, the glass doors to the shower opened and the man entered.

It was Rishabh.

I had a chill run down my spine as he stood right there, looking down on me through his absolutely massive chest and with a broad smile on his face he said, “I bet you will be crying at the end of this.”

Read the next part here!

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