Indian Erotic Story of Friends Falling in Love: 2

Indian Erotic Story of Friends Falling in Love: 1

Indian Erotic Story: This is a true incident and I am writing what has already happened in my life. One cannot just change the history. All those who do think that I had copied someone else’s work or something then I would like to say them that in this huge world millions and billions and trillions of people live. What might have been experienced by one the same must have been experienced by someone else too. So it won’t be rather a good option to just simply say someone fraud or something like that.

Read from the beginning here!

V: “Okay to be honest I am bisexual and I have feelings from the first day I saw you. Even I tried to look for you on FB, Insta everywhere but I all my efforts were in vain.”

I was so much shocked hearing all this words from Vikram that I simply told him to stop his bike aside. He did as said and started saying sorry for what all he just said and what happened in last half an hour. I just simply kept my index finger on his dark pink and soft lips and

Me: “Hey just calm down okay. I am completely fine and happy to know about your feelings for me and even I would like to say you that even I have strong feelings for you.”

As soon as I completed my sentence I could feel that his eyes sparkled up and a wave of joy and happiness run down his spine.

V: “So if I am not thinking wrong than you are also bisexual
. Correct??”

M: “Well I right now just cannot say about my sexuality but it would be a good option if we just simply drive back to hostel because black clouds have started gathering over our head and it may rain anytime.”

V: “Am I looking a sort of dream or is it real? Have I already told you my feeling?”

From his tone I could make out the he was more than excited and it was like his long awaited desire had come to an end. I just simply planted a small light kiss on those perfect dark pink lips as on the road we were standing was all covered with a sort of forest and no one would frequently visit that area.

After kissing him I whispered in his ears: “Well this is just the starting dear. I hope that we have a long way to go in our life. Ya it’s all true, you are not seeing a dream or something.”

We just got back on our bike and before he could start his bullet suddenly a familiar sound came from behind. As I turned back I could see Advait and I got afraid whether he had just seen us kissing each other or not.

Ad: “Hey Aadi. I got so much tensed for you and thought where you would be and how you would be in what condition.” And came forward to hug me. Yes he too is very much worried about me like Vikram and sometimes I do feel as if he is interested in me or what but every time I make up my mind and let it go. In college also he simply use to roam here and there with me and every time Vikram sees him with me gets very much angry on him

And he was interrupted by Vikram: “Excuse me. I was also with Aadi and he is a grown up and does not need your through care man.” he harshly said him

Me: “Vikram come on man you cannot just say him like this. Say sorry to him.”

Vikram was just staring at me with a blank face and I again repeated my sentence and this time he said sorry to him just for me.

Ad: “It’s okay man. Everything is normal between best friends like us.”

Me: “Why where you looking for me? What happened?”

V: “Hey both of you talk to each other later. Let’s now rush to hostel. It may rain soon and also I am very much hungry.” From his talk I could sense that he was not happy with Advait’s presence around me.

Ad: “Why don’t you sit behind me Aadi? We will talk on our way and even Vikram won’t have any problem with it.”

I was kept in such a dilemma but then I thought that if I would go behind Advait then Vikram will definitely get annoyed and I don’t want to take more risk as it will be not good for our relationship so I went and sat behind Vikram only.

Well in few minutes we reached over hostel, had our dinner as it was nearly 8:30 or something. After having dinner I asked Advait about the reason he was looking for me and suddenly Vikram popped in between the conversation and said me to go with him to room and let Advait leave as it was really dark and it may rain anytime.

Advait does not live with us in hostel as he and his sister Samiksha live in a flat owned by their super rich father. Don’t be judgmental man. I never had my eyes laid on their wealth as I believe that money cannot just simply buy happiness.

Ad: “I am okay Vikram, I will talk to Aadi for a few minutes regarding our exams as I don’t know a few topics and if it’s convenient to him to make me learn those topics at my home

Before even he completed his sentence Viku (with love I tell him Viku and not Vikram) just jumped up and said a big no to him. In the meantime rain just started outside and Advait had no other option than to leave. We both came back to our room and as soon as we entered Viku came from behind and hugged me tightly.

I also remained still in that position and after a few seconds I told Vikram to come in front of me. More than a request it sounded as if I had ordered him. Firstly he denied and said:

V: “It’s so romantic weather outside. Let’s just stop thinking about someone else and enjoy this “we “time.”

But our relationship is such that he is dominating in sex while I submit myself completely but in other matters he as an obedient child has to follow what I say.

I again told him to come forward and this time as he came and I started questioning him;

Me: “What has happened to you today? Why where you so rude to Advait?”

By mistake imaging him as if my friend I spoke

“Like you are my friend he is also my friend
” and then suddenly he grabbed me by my waist, pulled me to himself and I could feel his warm breathe near my face.

Indian erotic story of two horny friends becoming lovers

V: “Wait there is a correction here. I am not your friend anymore. You are mine and just mine. I cannot tolerate a third person in our relationship. If that motherfucker Advait will ever try to come between us than I will bit me so much that even his sister Samiksha will also deny to recognize him.”

Me: “Look Viku

He just hold me even tighter and kissed me. More than a normal kiss it was like he was so passionate and believe me I could sense him getting possessive for me.

All comments are welcomed and also I am heartily sorry if knowingly or unknowingly I had hurt someone’s feelings
 and thank you for the first part.

