Indian Gay Erotica of The Magnificent Obsession: 6

Indian Gay Erotica of The Magnificent Obsession: 6

Indian Gay Erotica: It was a dark day. Rumbling and grunting of black clouds and thundering of lightning and its harrowing sounds were making the day catastrophic. I was sitting in the garden, waiting for the downpour of rain. I was jotting down my feelings on the paper with my sleek fluttering fingers, which were wan, cold and rosy red.

Read from the beginning here!

Gentle cold wafts and poised breezes were touching my peach plain jacket and black sleeveless shirt which was demonstrating and revealing out my every toned muscle apparently, and my parallel ravel jeans were perfectly embracing and smuggling my ample muscular thighs. I was little sobbed and overwhelmed.

Nevertheless euphoric and smug from the heart. Although blaring and sparking of lightning fright me. But today they were answering and responding to my questions by the roaring, thundering of sparky lightening and wind riders. Since the universe always serves us the best. (But who knows, this day would change their lives forever).

My tears transformed into ink and my soul became my hands, love laid down like a page, feelings and emotions became the alphabets.
“If love is sweet then why does it hurt…….
If love is deep then why does it burn…….if love is warm why do we shiver………If love is tender why do we cry……..if love is “forever” why do we die….?

Tears were shining in my grey eyes, trickling and drifting like a cascade and were covering the soul and the heart. Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face but those that fall from your heart and covers your soul.

Suddenly, a dark haze blindfolded my eyes, it was cold, elegant and sleek. I brushed my rosy palms over the cold flaccid soft hands and instinctively inquired them.

It was “Amrit’s hands”.
Me: Hey, Amrit. I caught you. And beamed. How do you know am here??
He: Gently Budging his soft hands from my moist eyes. ” My heartbeats know, where it’s heart lives”. How you caught me??. Tell.
Me: I can smell you. Feel you. I retorted.
He: That sounds quite impressive. Hey, are you weeping? My hands got clingy and wet, caressing my shoulders from behind.

Me: No, way. This is mere your hallucination, abruptly.
Suddenly, He came in front of me, with a jolt he turned me towards him and yanked my papers from my hands.
He: wow…you were writing. It’s just heart touching, fantastic.

I raised and opened my eyelids of grey eyes to look at him and took a wide glimpse of him. His deep black eyes filled with love and affection and were gleaming. Wow, plain white silk shirt with a peach turban was enchanting and precisely complementing his brown and black striped formal trousers.

He: Oh my gosh, This Doctor needs a ventilator. You are looking so hot and fascinating.
Me: Is it a coincidence. Our clothing is matching.
He: I don’t know. This happens in love. You think same, feel the same. And He quizzically kissed me.
He: So, I am here to bring my love with me for a long drive. As it’s about to rain.

I want to spend some time with my beloved.

Me: And if I deny?
He: Biting my ear. I will enforce to take you with me.
Me: ok, Holding his soft hands, absconded for a long drive.
Hey, can I drive?
He: No,
Me: Hey, give me the keys. I’ll drive, please. I pleaded and he submissively accepted it.
He: He snogged over my forehead and slightly whispered in my ear “Drive carefully” giving keys to me.

And we moved on to a long drive. I was driving reckless on 90. We went towards a desolated and secluded place. He was gazing me frenziedly and was clicking and capturing my pics and some souvenir moments.

Me: Hey, stop gazing me. You are distracting me from my way. And please navigate me the way.
He: ok, Brushing my thighs with his soft cold hands. Then he played melodious music. Not bad, You are a quite good driver.

Meanwhile, clouds started downpouring its pearls. There was drizzling outdoor and soon transformed into torrential rain. The rain was exasperating me, calling me to come outside. I love rain and have an infatuation for rain. I was frenzied and avid to drench and all this driving me nuts.

I parked the car in a vicinity place and increased the volume of the music and alighted from the car in a rush and slammed the door. I opened my cupped palms to mustered a few drops of rain and felt them. It was cold and blurry as some miracle power vivified them.

I threw some dew drops on him as he was still sitting inside the car. I beckoned him to come outside.

He: Hey, “Hottie” come inside. The cold will catch you.
Me: No, I have my personal Doctor. And tittered loudly, I dragged him outside. We both were drenching and saturating in the rain of budding love. I was dancing and showing my moves and he was following me. He sauntered toward me. Huddled with me, we were in proximity and he held my ears and head with his strong wet hands and gradually reclined towards me.

He took my red lower lip brim in his mouth and twirled his tongue over it then slightly the upper lip and caressed them gently with a slow pace. It was gentle and warm, I was panting. Our heartbeats became one and moving with the same rate. We did our first kiss exuberantly.

Meanwhile, I could see his hairs over his bare puffed chest. Which was peeking outside with a pop. All his muscles and hairs over his fair tone were explicitly revealing out as the wet white silk shirt was huddling him tightly. Suddenly, I sneezed and slumped.

He: Hey, Are you okay, give me your hand.
Me: No, it’s perfectly fine. I’ll manage it.
He: He hunched and bent, He lifted and hove me in his lap.
Me: Hey, what are you doing?? writhing and negating him.
He: Muffled my mouth with his strong hand. Stop it. I told you not to rinse in the rain. Now see cold caught you. Now you just do what I’ll instruct you. He decreed me and I submissively accepted and nodded my head like a small baby.

We sat inside the car. I was quivering and shivering with cold. He covered me with his warm black blazer, tied my seatbelt.

There was no stir or Bustle between us except pure hush. Then he inclined towards me slightly moved his soft red hand on my cheeks and beard and caressed them gently and smiled.

He: You know, I can’t see you like this. Since “I love you” I care you. My breath stuck when you get injured.
He took my hand towards his lips and lightly kissed them.

I could see immense care and reverence in his deep black eyes.

Me: Hey, Where are we going??
He: My home.
Me: No, way “Amrit”. Are you mad, Don’t be stupid?
I can’t go to this wrecked situation at your home. Brutally.
He: “shh”, No one is at home. And you are coming along with me. And that’s final. Putting his pinkish finger on my red lip brims.
Me: ok, Sir,

We absconded towards his home and within couples of minutes, we arrived. There was still drizzling outside. He parked the car in the shed near the beautiful garden. We alighted and absconded and Scott towards the entrance gate. Wow, It was a sumptuous bungalow. Well designed and constructed or created.

He opened the door, and said: “you are coming by the first time”. It means a lot to me.

We ushered in the home holding each other’s hands. Well decorated and a quite selective interior with white colour and the lame yellow light were making the home more peaceful and fascinating. It felt like El-Dorado. We sat nearby the fireplace, he perked up and took two red wine glasses and poured ” Basso Cabernet sauvignon(a type of red fruit wine). It was of ruby red in colour. The aroma of blackcurrant and pepper were diffusing. He partially filled the glasses and gave to me.

Me: My sexy bartender. Hey, I never tried it prior. Retorted in a flustered manner.
He: Try it for me. He asserted to me.
Me: I took the glass, cheered them with him.

He beckoned me to sit over his lap and I accepted. Meanwhile, he was brushing my nape with his hands and caressing my cheeks. I was just engulfing the wine into my throat and the taste of blackberries and palms were quite freaky and bizarre but was sweet and sensitive.

After a few minutes, I started pissing off, the brain stopped working and palpitating and my senses slowed down responding. My eyes got heavy and hard to lift up, a pure haze and vogue covered my consciousness.

The New Phase and Beginning… After 2hours…

I was rudely shaken from my slumber by the splattering of lightning and thundering. I woke up, yawned and winked my grey eyes. There were a pill and a glass of juice embedded on the side table of the bed with a sweet message on the note. “Eat me…Drink me……”. I took them. All the reminiscences were flushed out of 2 hours and hard to reminded and evoked.

My brain was still swirling and moving, I opened my eyes and took a wide look in the huge dressing mirror in front of the bed. I am stupored, numb and dumbstruck. I was in another room near to the terrace. I thought it belonged to “Amrit”.

The bedsheet was ruffled messed and wrecked. Someone stripped out my clothes as I wore another’s blue shorts and a red t-shirt. My body was paining and cramping. My lips were fumbling, and fingers were fluttering. My heart was throbbing so fastly and my senses were unable to believe or realised what happened.

I tried to get up but collapsed on the bed. Suddenly, Spunk Amrit emerged to me in his silky white tight t-shirt and black tracks.

He knocked on the door.

He: Hey, running towards me. Are you fine??
Me: what happened to me?? Who brought me here? Who Stripped out my clothes?
He: He gave a wicked smile. “We crossed our limits”. Brushing my neck and nape.
Me: I pushed him away with a jolt. ” Don’t touch me”. In a flustered manner. I can’t believe. I believed you, you just broke my heart, my soul.

I wanted to vail. I was sobbing and sniffing. I was gasping and panting. My tears were drifting out like a torrent and stream.

Me: So, That was not your love. Just a ploy to trap me. I trusted you from the bottom of my heart. But what you did?. Quenched your lust desire or sexual needs. You know there is a rutty barbarian and stern man behind this decency and naiveness. ( In a gruff tone).
Me: I even wanted to share or pile up those moments with you. Because sex is also a part of lovemaking but consensually not enforcelly. Coercion or swat is not called love.
Me: ok, it’s perfectly fine. It’s a reward for me to believing you, trusting you and loving you unconditionally.

He: Hey, Do you really think or believe? I sexually harassed you or took your benefits when you were boozed or drunk.
Took your unconsciousness advantages.
Do you really think I can do this to you??. With gritted teeth and wistfully.

Me: I really don’t know what’s right or wrong “Amrit”. Look at the wrecked room and at me.
My back was facing him as I didn’t want to confront him or talked to him. My soul was not believing it all.
Me: I think, I need to go. All that mammoth love, affection, reverence and care were mere a hallucination or might be paranoid or the frenzy of me.
He: Clenched my hand, he pushed me towards him with a jolt and convulse. Trampling and clamping my shoulders with his strong manly hands.

He: Enough! Stop it now. Muffling my mouth with his soft palm. You were intoxicated or pissed off because of alcoholic consequences and impacts. The window had been opened and heavy thunderstorms and gusts messed or wrecked the room as a catastrophe.

He: I extremely love you. I love with your soul, not your body. My feelings are pure and profound.
Ok, You don’t believe me. I promise you “I won’t touch you until you allow me”.

His blacks eyes turned red with moist. Tears started shining, trickling and drifting from his decent eyes. He bowed his eyes down.
My inner consciousness said, “he is right”.
I tightly embraced him and tears started drifting out from my eyes.
Me: I am sorry ” Amrit”. I got senseless. I alleged you. Apologised me, please. And “I love you” so much. It was merely a misconception.

I knew that he won’t touch me as he is very committed and rigid. I decided to take a step ahead. I took his lips in my mouth and they entwined with each other. But, he was behaving and responding reluctantly.

I lingered for a while and detached my lips and whirled to left the room. He apprehended my sleek hand with his strong hand and convulsed them towards him. And huddled me tightly, I am even sorry for soliciting and squirming you. pardon me, please.

He: Started kissing me in a passion but in a discreet manner. His warm sighs were hitting my face and beard. He was rolling his tongue and thick red lips over my brims. It was creating stimulations and warm sensations in my body. Meanwhile, the kiss he was caressing and brushing my ears, heads and chicks with his soft palms. It was gentle, a little bit ticklish but warm and sensitive.

He: Are you ready for the next step??
Me: “Amrit” I have not done this before. In a flustered and Irresoulate tone. Bowed my grey eyes down.
He: It’s mean you are a “virgin”. His deep decent black eyes filled with extreme care and concern.
Me: Hmmm,
He: Where you had been.
Me: waiting……
He: He wrapped his great bared muscular arms around my shoulders and neck and lightly kissed my lips and pecked on the forehead. Let’s make the environment. Clenched my hand with his strong hand.
Me: What? I was just following him. We moved towards his room.

He kneeled down and took my right hand and slightly kissed and caressed them with his soft lips and said in a lovely baritone ” If all of the poetry in the world was mine to command and all the beauty of nature in the palm of my hand. I still could not express what I mean to you. I could take every glorious sunset the light from each glowing star, but still, I could not convey. Just how special you are. He stood upright and kissed on my forehead.

The moment was quite overwhelmed and emotional. It was an inexpressible feel of being so special or important for someone.

Then we moved towards the huge mirror.
He: Just close your eyes and feel this
He decreed me like a dominant and I submissively closed my grey eyes. I held the armed chair tightly. He was slightly moving his soft cold hands on my neck and nape. Then gently my chicks and beard and started biting my ears. Gradually moved towards the groin and back. His gentle ticklish touch was creating goosebumps and sensations all across my stiff corpse.

My breathing was getting heavy and hard and was exploring with extreme moaning and pleasure.
The thundering and splattering of lightning were playing the music and rhythm, sweet soak wafts and breezes were diffusing fluorescent.

He stowed his strong stubble over my shoulder and I slightly opened my grey eyes and lifted eyelashes. We both were seeing each other in the mirror under the lame light yellow bright. The Pounding of hearts and its palpitations were apparently audible. The bodies amalgam of torrid aroma were diffusing and luring each other’s souls. He gently moved his sleek fingers on my face and the scalp. I gasped and sniffed with a moan.

It’s boiling hot here, I don’t think clothes are necessary he said in an alluring lusty baritone.
He slightly moved towards my abdomen caressed them. Clamped my waist and slightly stripped out my tight smuggled red t-shirt. Suddenly, he whirled me towards him with a jolt.

He: My muscular Greek God he retorted avidly. He rolled on his soft hands over my puffed white chest and abs. He pinched or clamped my pointy red nipples. I moaned loudly with pleasure. He slightly whispered in my ears, it’s your turn “Hottie”.

He: I kissed on his turban. Since “I love his turban”. And slightly removed his tight white t-shirt from his muscular body. Black ravel hairs were emerging over his heavy puffed bared chest and further on covering his abs and going down through umbilical cord with a trail.

He smashed me towards the wall gently clutched my hands with his hands. Considerately stowed and glued them with the wall.

He was licking my armpits and nipples with his gentle soft lips. I was moaning and panting. I am following him and assisting him exuberantly. I smooched and licked his muscular manly armpits and chest. We were doing foreplay and all this driving me nuts and peening for him. He was my besotted.

He: You are quite a good kisser.
Me: want to give you a striptease dance or a lap dance? Or bold?
He: Not now. Strike it out for now.

He bent on his knees and slightly moved his hands towards my silk shorts and gradually stripped out them.

I inhibited him but we transgressed our limits. I was in a red tight Calvin Klein brief with vast silver strap. My perfect bulbous butt’s contours were explicitly visible and noticeable and were justifying my heavy workouts. The Bustle and throbbing of my huge dick were seductive apparently. Which was agonizing and poking under my tight briefs. He slightly touched my ample Bonner and squeezed them and gave a wicked smile and winked. He perked up and gave a cuff on my butt.

He: You look even better naked than you do look in your suit.

His huge bulge was revealing out or emerging over his tight black track. I opened the drawstring and removed them slightly with my soft sleek hands.
Wow, He was looking so hot and sexy in his black and grey ” Andrew Christian” briefs. His big muscular hairy thighs were perfectly huddled with his enchanting brief and the silver red band was perfectly tied with his waist.

I kneeled down towards the pouched area of the brief. I touched it, it was heavy and prick. And the wet blotch on the brief of his viscous precum.

We were getting too horny and lusty like a rutty animal.

He: What you want “Hottie”?.
Me: All of you.
He: The harder you get, the wetter I get.

We collapsed on the white bed. Our bodies were glistening and gleaming unearthly under the dim yellow lights. Being naked in front of a man, who is ten years elder than me was embarrassing me and making me nervous somewhere but I love him.
He: Some guys fucked in love, some guys love fucking. He replied in a sweet tone. Are you ready for the sex step?

Me: Hmmm,
He: He alighted from the bed and went towards the cavernous room and opened the wardrobe and brought some stuff.
He: Do you believe me?.
Me: yes, more than myself.
He: Close your eyes.

He blindfolded my grey eyes with a silk red cloth.
He: Take a couple of breaths with me.
Me: Aah… Mmmm, Aah…..Mmmmm
(I was breathing in a rhythm).
He: Now, I want you to feel your hands and fingers.
Caress your beautiful parts of yours, love to feel all. And move your fingers gently.
Take them and slowly rub your body. Feel your skin and touch your lips.

Just caressed and loved yourself.

Me: I want your lips on my body, right now and all I want is to feel your hands all over my body.

Now feel my hands reaching up to you. In the same way, it brings you pleasure and ecstasy. Feel my hands and soaked lips caressing your skin, neck, scalps, your beautiful toes and groin. Meanwhile, this he removed my briefs and unveiled my 8inch circumcised thick dildo with the red knob like a hood. My flaccid brown pubes were shining like a cascade. My ample girth of mushroom was glistening with jizz.

His luscious and gleaming muscular body was luring and exasperating me.

I smooched him, gently moved and rolled my sleek rosy palms over his hairy chest and sharp thick nipples and caressed and brushed his cock over his black grey briefs. His mammoth manly dick was yearning to come out and was making a huge poking tent. Which was emerging apparently. I squeezed them and unleashed them with a pop sound it peeked outside.

Oh my God, it was huge as mine even a little bit thicker and larger with an enormous circumcised shaft and with a red thick knob. Blue and black veins and vessels were emerging prominently on his thick warm throbbing rod. A beautiful pinkish scrotum sack containing two bulbous testicles with little black ravel hairs on it.

I held it in my hands discreetly and jerked off them. He was moaning and gasping with pleasure and smug.

He: I want you to taste me. You are making me hungry for you. I would eat up such a beauty like you.
I gently slid my tongue over his penis and started rolling it around the girth of his ample red mushroom.
His muscles were arching and stretching and the body was whimpering with pleasure and contentment.
Me: Your cum tastes just as delicious as your lips do.
He: I love the way your lips feel against my dick and thighs.

I played with his sleek soft heavy balls as I was giving him fellatio. And it felt him like he was in heaven. I tried one at a time and took in my mouth and rolling it around and glide my tongue over his prick and salivated them and it was glistening.
He: Now, it’s my turn. So hot, you have no idea. What I would do to you.

With a heavy jolt, he came over me. His heavy sighs were hitting my face and his deep decent black eyes filled with lust and mischievous.

He: you looking extra sexy today. Want to watch me wanking over you. Sit back and relax, because I am going to give you the eternal euphoria and ease.

He was caressing my biceps and chest and rolling around his soft hands on my scrotum

Your dick looking glorious and sexy he said with tempting and oomph.
He: I can’t tell you. How much your abs or dick make me hornier. He was sucking my dick frenziedly. ” I want you to fuck my throat. Make me choke and gag on it.

I held his head and started shoving and thrusting it deep inside his warm mouth by lifting my torso up and down. The thudding sounds covered the room. We collapsed on each other’s as get exhausted. Then he alighted from the bed and went and gave me a pill and retorted “Take this” this will boost our stamina and we will long last on the bed. And we engulfed it with water.

He: Are you ready?
Me: Hmm,

He: You are making me so crazy that, I would smash you into a wall, lick your neck, then go down to your chest, abs, navel and all the way to your soaking wet dildo and asshole. He slightly separated my butts and parted the voluptuous balls. He was questing the flesh Like a wild hungry dog. Probing my pinkish hole with his salivating tongue. My hole was too tight that a finger was unable to go inside or alighted.

He: wow. He was rimming my tight sphincter with his soft warm wet tongue and rolling around them at the verges of my pinkish flesh like a crave wild dog.
He slightly inserted his index finger inside my rectum and I grunted loudly with pain.
He: Is it painful? With concerning eyes. Should I stop here?

Me: concealing my pain. No, Go ahead.
He took some lubricant and lubed my hole with the gel. It became a little wide and open. He took an air score condom and slightly put on the tip of his huge mushroom and gently slid them down.
Me: Hey, I want to feel you inside me. Want to have a bareback. I held the tip and removed the condom with a pop sound.

I was breathing hard and the heart was throbbing fast. I was agitated and flustered. He gently put his tip over the verge of my tight hole.

He: Hey, Are you ready?
Me: Hmm, crossed my fingers.
With a jol, the shoved his ample girth of hodd inside my hole. I lost my senses, the brain stopped working and heart denied me to palpitate, I was tottering,
yearning and agitating with pain. A twinge of pain and painful vibration and tremor went in my body.

As somebody incision, and injured my rectum and stowed sizzling burning coals inside my rectum. My bowels get seared. Tears were oozing and drifting out from my grey eyes. I mumbled my mouth with a white pillow as I didn’t want to blare. I was bleeding even his tip got messed with blood.

He: He Huddled with me tightly. Tears were shining in his deep black eyes. A could see great care, concern and pain for me inside them. He wrapped his bared arms around my neck and kissed me. He was quivering and his lips were fumbling with concern and worry. It felt like I get injured but he was feeling the pain, sear or twinge inside his heart. I think that happens in true love. It was an overwhelmed moment.

He: I can’t hurt you. Am extremely sorry. Its suffice for today.
Me: It’s perfectly fine. This was my first time. I coaxed him to continue as I felt “No Pain No Gain”.

He inquired it and gently put some ointments on the verges of my sphincter muscles and rectum. It quickly healed my wound. I nudged him and as a good coaxer, I again made him frenzied and heady. He quizzically pecked on my forehead and jerked his thick dildo, which got a semi-erected.

He: In a Growling Baritone. Are you ready again to get penetrated?
Me: Hmm, Love me as you do, touch me as you do, fuck me as you do. And winked.
He: He tied my hands with leather cuffs.

He sipped wine and reclined towards me to kiss. The wine was trickling from his soft lips. I could taste those blackberry and palm’s taste of wine. Then he stowed a piece of ice on my umbilical and navel area and started rolling in around my trail, nipples and chest. I was biting my lower lip brim with my teeth, my fingers of feet were fluttering with pleasure and joy and were holding and writhing the bed-sheet tightly.

My moans were getting louder. He then poked or prod his dick on my hole and placed them considerately. With a thud, he shoved his half dick inside me. I grunted loudly and opened my mouth wide, with every stroke the pain was transforming into immense pleasure and joy. His thick large cock was touching and hitting my abdomen and bowel.
We were in a missionary position. The fucking pace was increasing with every jolt and thud.

Me: I love when I can see how much you want to put inside me. Now it’s my turn.

I twirled him back with a jolt. Rimmed and rinsed his tight hole. Fingered them then took some lube and gently applied on his hole. I tugged his strong hands tightly with a black silk tie. I caressed my ample dick girth and it’s a knob on its butt crack. Gradually inserted my huge glistening tip with a convulse and jolt.

He groaned loudly with pain. I lingered for a while, meanwhile, I was smooching his nipples. Then with a heavy jolt, I shoved my half thick cock inside his hole. His sphincter muscle was throbbing and exploring to adjust my thickness. With every stroke, my dildo was getting hard and wide inside his rectum. He was moaning with immense pleasure and joy. I increased my thuds and strokes. My balls were hitting his butt surface and were creating the swat and explode sounds.

Indian gay erotica of horny and wild lovers finally getting to fuck hard

He: pull my hair and spank my ass until I am screaming your name. My asshole needs your cock badly.
Me: Where to cum. I am cumming.
He: Inside me, want to feel that warm jizz.

With a heavy grunt. I spurted inside him, my dick was expanding during the climax. volley after volley. My viscous jizz filled his bowels with white clingy cream. Meanwhile, he started fapping and wanking and squirted his cum and darted his seeds over his hairy muscular chest.

We collapsed with each other and were gasping and panting heavily. We kissed each other huddled and smuggled each other and drifted off.

” True Love does not have a happy ending. That’s because true love does not have an ending”.

” When two people love each other, they don’t look at each other, they look in the same direction. Believe it or not”.


Read the next part here!

Best regards,
Kabir Sandhu.тЭдтЭд

Stay tuned with us for the upcoming sequels of “The Magnificent Obsession”.
For now fill the inbox with your likes, comments, kind love and affection. Please, Kindly review me regarding this sequel. You can mail me at [email protected].тЭдтЭд
